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Space-Time Formula


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My interpretation of space-time is that each object or body (event for somebody) is a structure of space-time. The magnitude of the space-time depends on the mass and density of the object. These objects can be: a particle, a molecule, a table, a planet or a galaxy. The space-time consists of four dimensions.

The gravity of the stars is transmitted through photons or dark energy, distorting the space-time around them.


In a formula:


stu = m + (gΔb, x) p


A space-time unit or "object" is equal to the mass more the gradual increment of an uniform rhythm becoming since a moment x in a point of space p.


Albert Einstein was right.


Source of reference: video in Spanish about Unified Field Theory:

Edited by Lightning
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Becoming is the continuous series of changes. It's a property of the matter. The becoming is absolute. Time is the successive extension of phenomena. Time is relative. In the B-T Duality, as the becoming as the time are objective, but their measurement is a mathematical entity. We perceive becoming in changes and time as an illusion, but is objective, it depends of the extension of phenomenona. We use clocks and calendars to adjust ourselves to the constant flow of the becoming.




Duration is an univocal term that refers to the way we think about the becoming-time or b-t. Although there are several ways of conceiving the b-t, duration is an univocal concept because there is only one b-t.


Duration in some thinkers and scientists:


- Heraclitus: duration = becoming.


- Isaac Newton: The duration is a mathematical entity (idea). Ideas are unchanging. Although he admitted that time flows inexorably.


- Immanuel Kant: duration is a priori. The b-t would be a noumenon.


- Henri Bergson: Duration is a quality of consciousness. He rejected mathematical time.


- Albert Einstein: duration is a space dimension.


- Elvis (Lightning) Sibilia: Duration is the relation between two ideas "a and b" where "a" is before "b". As we see duration is a mental process. The b-t exists and is a posteriori.

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TIME LAW: tu = g∆b, x


This law gets older to a being. It's read as: a time unit is equal to the gradual increment of an uniform rhythm becoming since x. The unknown value x is the moment of beginning to count the time. x can be the clock time, the date or a specific year.


A grade is each one of the divisions of a scale adapted to an instrument. This means that in the time we have to pass for each one of the values to a constant rhythm. The displacement is ∆d (distance) and the acceleration is ∆s (speed).


This law defines time based on the becoming and not in the displacement (space).




- gΔb (sundial, rotation of the Earth), x (sunrise).

- gΔb (candle), x (lit of candle).

- gΔb (hourglass), x (rotation of the vials).

- gΔb (digital clock, rotation of the Earth), x (midnight, the time o'clock).

- gΔb (calendar, translation of the Earth), x (midnight of December 31).

- gΔb (stopwatch), x (zero).

- gΔb (timer), x (set time).


The operation of these devices is governed by the equation "tu = gΔb, x".

There is a kind of variable becoming, as in biological phenomena, a storm, the current of a river, etc.. that isn't suitable for measuring time.

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