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Site Downtime


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Hypography and all related sites will experience some downtime during the week between 18:00 and 00:00 CST inclusive.



The maintenance for Hypography has been delayed until next week. There will be an update in a few days with a new downtime date.


Owners of sites on the Hypography Network, please contact me through PM, Email, or Messenger with the details of your site such as: domain name(s), folder location, database name, any special instructions for the site.


Owners of Hypography emails (@hypography.com), please contact me through PM, Email, or Messenger with the details of your email, and any special instructions you have for this (such as forwarding).



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Hypography will experience some downtime on Friday, April 10 between 20:00 and 22:00 CST. After this time the site will be available with the possibility of some features not functioning properly. If you notice a feature that is still broken after a day, please post a notice in this thread alerting the staff.

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