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Can number be predicted?


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Hi everyone,

I have one question for you. This is a quite long story.

4 years ago, my uncle asked me this question, and I did not get the answer until now.

First of all, y uncle asked me to write down 3 lines of 3-digits number,

for example:





next, he kept 2 lines below, and write down the number:

for example:

3244 ( let's say that 'abcd')

next, he asked me to write down 2 lines of 3-digit numer in the 2 empty line above.

so, it will be like this:




qqq--->new number

kkk--->new numer



and he asked me to sum up these 5 lines of 3-digit number:


and the result I got was exactly equal to abcd.

It means that my uncle only based on the first three numbers to predict the sum of five numbers. My uncle asked me to explain how can he do that. And I don't know why.

Can anyone tell me?

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Let me ask, did you uncle tell what the four digit number was before you exposed

the pair of three digit numbers. No matter what 3digit pairs you picked was the

4digit number always 3244.


See the trio sum of 123 + 346 + 534 = 1003. You could write down 2 3digit pairs

and your uncle could sum it up quickly. So if there is a big todo about an envelope,

you know there is a switch... :D



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Thank all of you

But the number that I posted, as I said, are for example purpose only. So, you should not deal with them anymore. And I don't quite understand what Maddog said. Could you explain to me? Thank again


I believe he meant that your uncle was just adding them up in his head with the knowledge of the sum of the first three ahead of time. That way it would take no time to find the result.

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I Thelonius hit my point exactly. Your mischevious Uncle was being a bit tricky and maybe

you can call him on it. :o


My Grandfather gave me story (as he loved stories).


There was a convict to get last rites before his execution. As the Father came in to do

last rites, he said, "I can not give this man last rites". The warden asked him, "Why

not ?" The Father responded, "Brothers and sisters I have none. This man's father is

my fathers son".


So what was the relation of the convict to the priest ? :o



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