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Bush to phase out Environment by 2009


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Now here's something that many here, there and at a lot of places have been advocating...no one does it better than G. Bush!


If Andy Borowitz, comedian and author of the Borowitz Report, is to be believed

President George W. Bush confirmed today that his gutting of the Endangered Species Act is part of a broader plan to phase out the environment entirely by the time he leaves office in January of 2009.



The president said that by removing endangered species from the protected list one by one, his administration has been able to phase out the environment gradually “so that hardly anyone will notice it’s missing.


Funny, as it may sound, a lot of policies, and the love for oil has ensured that the Prez is actually doing the same.


Alternative sources of energy are not being given an opportunity and the if research studies are to be believed, they are neither been given any priority nor are such research projects getting any funding.

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With Terra Preta on the horizon, providing both a carbon sink and hydrogen fuel with negative carbon results....


Any of us who have the persuasive ability might step up and talk to companies and whisper something like this in their ear.


Want to be the first in the area producing hydrogen?...

The first to be negative carbon?

To show your community great initiative?


Because the answer is easy for businessmen in todays climate. It only requires that we stop waiting for government to step in and start talking dollars with people who understand the language. The 'green' advantage to the planet with this method is a perk for us. Not the bottom line.


The bottom line is what will drive companies to help us.



Plant and machinery.

Wood and organic waste products = free.



Bio-char soil amendment products.

Hydrogen fuel.

Carbon Credits? I don't think they want to pay these out to anyone, it's a carrot.


Now all I need is the math, anyone got the TP figures from Eprida?

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