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The order left unmentioned: Gymnophiona (Caecilians)


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Hi Friend,


The Gymnophiona are an order of limbless, worm-like amphibians known as caecilians (si-'sil-yens). Caecilians typically are blind or nearly so and possess sensory tentacles between the eyes and nostrils. Most are fossorial, though a few are aquatic or semi-aquatic.




Quoting text without citing the source is commonly called plagiarism. Besides, anyone interested in this subject can look up the definition themselves. What is the point of your post?


The Gymnophiona are an order of limbless, worm-like amphibians known as caecilians (si-'sil-yens). Caecilians typically are blind or nearly so and possess sensory tentacles between the eyes and nostrils. Most are fossorial, though a few are aquatic or semi-aquatic. Along with deep sea fishes, they are some of the least studied and least understood vertebrates on the planet. Nevertheless, significant strides are now being made in our understanding of their ecology and natural history.


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