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"Are birds descended from reptiles" II


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i found this discussed already well... here's my view

I don't know how many of you have / are pondering over this question.

after doing some reserch . . i came to this conclusion in this article


parts of birds are specialized for flying . they are warm blooded creatures because warm blooded creatures can convert food into energy more quickly then their cold blooded ones. they lost many heavy bones ( eg teeth ) and their bones became hollow . their legs became shock absorbant to absorb shock while landing. their eyes became one of the sharpest.


it is known birds developed from primitive reptiles that lived in the triassic period ( about 130,000,000 years ago ) . this peice of info was dugout from studying the fossils .


but these birds (first) had feathered wings but probably not strong fliers

because the bones were comparirively heavier then today's birds.

there was more than one tailbone , they had teeth

But the most astounding fact was that a few fossils were matching with that of today's tern . (does this mean that the primitive birds were more primitive than we expected and their evolution goes back to more hundreds of years or they were just born like that ? :shrug:)

( these characterstics match that [some what] of an ostrich does this mean that ostrich is a primitive bird existing today ? or is it just my ignorance ?? :shrug:)


any more facts are welcome



The Black Alchemist

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