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The Straight-Up Cam

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:cool: ;) SUCTON 2, a leaner, meaner, weather-proof unit , is now under construction. No cloud will be safe. :) :hihi:



Straight Up Camera Top Oriented North



I gave SUCTON-2 a 3 hour shakedown to check for interior condensation. The unit is not fully operational, but I did shoot an overflying object that pulses light and gives the effect of seeing something swim. Verrrry nice. :hihi: :D

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SUCTON-2 is now out in full rain. :eek: While I'm reasonably confident in the waterproof seals, I do have some trepidation at risking the camera. :eek2: Nothing ventured nothing gained I suppose.


I'll bring the unit in at nightfall, do a quick review, and then set up in the window again as we have a major storm moving in. :P :evil:


OLYMPIA, Wash. (AP) -- Gov. Chris Gregoire is urging Western Washington residents to get ready for a big storm that could hit on Thursday.


The governor says the National Weather Service is watching for a storm that could pack heavy sustained winds of between 30 and 40 miles an hour, with gusts of up to 60 miles an hour. Gregoire says that could mean power outages, road and bridge closures, flooding and other problems.

WA Gov. says be ready for windstorm | Local News | kgw.com | News for Oregon and SW Washington


Barring precipitation, you don't need any special enclosure to get SUCTON images yourself. With your camera in hand, simply lay on the ground face up with your head facing North and shoot away. :camera:


Updates to follow. ;)

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SUCTON-2 is now out in full rain. :eek: While I'm reasonably confident in the waterproof seals, I do have some trepidation at risking the camera. :eek: Nothing ventured nothing gained I suppose.


I'll bring the unit in at nightfall, do a quick review, and then set up in the window again as we have a major storm moving in. :P ;)


Updates to follow.


Okally dokally. First vid is just rain falling on the Lucite cover of the SUCTON-2 enclosure. Hella noisy! :eek2: No leaks after 2 hours and no interior condensation either. :evil:


Second vid catches a UFO in the lower-right corner. Notice it is not moving in the same direction or at the same speed as the main cloud mass. :camera:


YouTube - SUCTON-2 rain test http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aW5Uk9DhlWI


YouTube - SUCTON-2 UFO http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_bESGRSfIyU

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Okally dokally. First vid is just rain falling on the Lucite cover of the SUCTON-2 enclosure. Hella noisy! :naughty: No leaks after 2 hours and no interior condensation either. :banghead:


OK. I confess I was going to write about the SUCTON-2 enclosure in terms of acrylic glass and steel cylinders, yada, yada, yada. Instead, this simpler description will suffice. I cut a clear plastic disk and hot-glued it into the top of a large coffee can, then cut out the metal bottom and close the camera in with the plastic snap-on lid. :cool:


I get condensation on the outside of the can, but none inside so far. The camera stays pretty warm, and no new moisture can get in. :doh: That's what I call KISS! :eek_big:


Believe me when I say no one else is doing this. :hihi: Get in on the ground floor and be the first on your back on your block with a SUCTON unit. You'll be glad you did. :roll: :Alien:

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I really wish I had the time to do more creative stuff like this. I miss doing projects to share with Hypo. :cool:


:hihi: But wait! :naughty: We may yet find a way for you to get in on the action. :eek_big: Since it is school taking up your time, keep an eye out for any opportunity to use one of these creative projects to fulfill a class requirement. You might write about it to fullfill an exposition assignment for English, or use a project to illustrate a principle in physics or chemistry. Your pinhole cyanotype met both subjects pretty well, plus engineering & materials science. :roll:


In the mean time, feel free to live vicariously through my projects as I lurch puppet-like from one to another in an obsessive compulsive spin that is the envy of a whirling dervish. :doh: Free time is not always leisure time. Keep looking up...straight up. :Alien::banghead:

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Maybe because it is a cloud :)


:( Just trying to dress it up as an UFO for the YouTube crowd. :eek::( Still, for a cloud it is quite unusual. :eek: Then again, maybe not. :lightning


As I say, I don't think anyone else has undertaken a study of the undershots of clouds; if you find the case is otherwise I would be delighted to see the work. :naughty: This is an original idea and so little is done that I have no baseline yet for what is normal.


Keep in mind when viewing SUCTON images that North is top, South is bottom, as usual on a map, but East is left and West is right, the reverse of a standard map.



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I did a 4 hour SUCTON run this afternoon and have a superb new video. It is time-compressed about 40:1 and shows 2 large cloud bodies moving at different speeds, directions and altitudes.


Somewhere earlier in the thread I think I mentioned seeing 2 clouds at the same altitude but going different directions and speeds, colide and make a whorl before contiuing on. If you think about that, it's rather puzzling; I'm anxious to get video of it. ;)


In the mean time, this is a fascinating bit of cloud action all on its own. :) >> YouTube - SUCTON-2 --clouds crossing vectors http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zoYB-hX3FCw

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Very, very nice! :)


Muchas gracias. Did you show your girl so she knows what scientific uses her camera could be performing? :) Did you tell her the name of said scientific project? :eek::hyper::D


At the very end of the video I noticed a third cloud body enters at the top for a total of three different directions, speed, & altitude! :eek2:


Now my issue with all this is that conventional wisdom says the clouds are moving with the wind and the wind moves at different speeds, directions, and elevations. That is all well and good for this video, but for the collision and consequent vortex I saw last year* this cannot be the case. How can a wind on one level move in two directions at the same time? Each cloud continued on its previous course rather than joining and moving on a different vector.

*described in post #25 of this thread.

Anyway, that's a wrap. May your unit stay pointed up. ;) :hihi:

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Muchas gracias. Did you show your girl so she knows what scientific uses her camera could be performing? :D Did you tell her the name of said scientific project? :eek:;):D


I told her I wanted to be a SUCTON performer and she slapped me! ;)


At the very end of the video I noticed a third cloud body enters at the top for a total of three different directions, speed, & altitude! :eek2:


Now my issue with all this is that conventional wisdom says the clouds are moving with the wind and the wind moves at different speeds, directions, and elevations. That is all well and good for this video, but for the collision and consequent vortex I saw last year* this cannot be the case. How can a wind on one level move in two directions at the same time? Each cloud continued on its previous course rather than joining and moving on a different vector.


My guess is that the wind is actually moving on two seperate layers with the resulting laminar flow making it appear as though the clouds pass through one another. It would be great to have another camera placed at a distance from the SUCTON and inclined to about 60 degrees (for perspective).

Anyway, that's a wrap. May your unit stay pointed up. ;) ;)


:lol: You're ripe today, eh? ;)

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I told her I wanted to be a SUCTON performer and she slapped me! B)




My guess is that the wind is actually moving on two seperate layers with the resulting laminar flow making it appear as though the clouds pass through one another. It would be great to have another camera placed at a distance from the SUCTON and inclined to about 60 degrees (for perspective).


My descriptions of the one collision I witnessed (but did not manage to record) do not do any justice to the event and my memory is too fragmented to clarify it. My supposition is that it's not uncommon and I have every intention to eventually videograph a similar collision and resulting vortex. :confused:


B) You're ripe today, eh? B)


Past ripe and right on to positively rotten. B) B) :eek:

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  • 3 weeks later...

This next SUCTON video series is remarkable (to me at any rate) for a virtual lack of mixing among clouds or other individual movement of cloud bodies moving together as a bank. The entire series covers 2 1/2 hours. This first video is 40 minutes compressed into 2 minutes. :shrug:


YouTube - SUCTON time-lapse 11/08/07 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iBGiuEaVJD8

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OK I have the second in the series; this covers an hour time period from ~2:40 pm to 3:40 pm.


On an operational note, I cut the single 2.5 hour file into 20 minute segments, each ~ 1.3 gigabytes. After importing to the computer, I used Adobe premier elements to time-compress, join, strip audio, & export.


In watching these, I find myself getting a bit of vertigo and experiencing a visual field/ground inversion. Do not watch these while operating machinery; always wear eye protection. :)


YouTube - SUCTON time-lapse 11/08/07 {b} http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O63_yDVgTm4

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Here's the last in the series; ~3:40 pm to 4:40 pm PDT. A nice contrail near the end.


I submit that these are worth watching because it is a perspective you have little experience with and moreover there is no other crackpot I can find that is doing it. :read: If we don't know what the "usual" straight up view over time is, how are we to judge what is unusual? Yada, yada, yada....:)

YouTube - SUCTON time-lapse 11/08/07 {c} http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_dvCY6_xdlg

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