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On Sunday June 25, 1876 Lt. Colonel George Armstrong Custer and 212 officers and troopers under his command of 5 troops of the US 7th Cavalry were killed in action against Lakota/Sioux, Cheyenne, and Arapaho warriors under the leadership of Sitting Bull, Crazy Horse, Gall, and Rain In The Face in Montana along the Little Big Horn/Greasy Grass River. In all 264 of the 600 plus 7th and 100 of the 1,500 Native Americans were killed in two days of fighting. This battle marked the end of the plains tribes as the government in Washington used this defeat of the US Army as a rallying point to destroy the plains tribes and their Buffalo culture. Before the winter of 1876-1877 ended the plains tribes had been either destroyed or moved on to reservations. This was not one of our finest achievements!

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