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Cheers, Buffy!!


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Geez, is this a great day or what? I just LOVE when the Admin guys let me do the fun stuff. :)




That's two in one day, and I'm just over the moon!!


Of course, Buffy, you know this is very well deserved. We're so glad that you joined the forums, then agreed to join the staff. This place wouldn't be the same without you, and we're very glad to have you.


Please take the time to woot it up for our Resident Pink Hat. You know she gives 110% around here, and her promotion is long overdue!!




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Most excellent... My young student is advancing in the ranks and will soon be in prime position to overtake Hypography! My plans will soon be fulfilled, BWAHAHAHA!!! And all this time Irish thought she was the one gaining a formidable accomplice... when in actuality it was I who was gaining an invaluable tool for world domination!


...Umm, and congrats? :)



Just kidding :)! Way to go Buffy! Excellent work done in these forums :).

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BWAHAHAHA!!! And all this time Irish thought she was the one gaining a formidable accomplice... when in actuality it was I who was gaining an invaluable tool for world domination!

Hey Buff,

Isn't it cute when they think they are pulling something over on the rest of the world? :)


Just wait til he starts answering to YOU. :)

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Bah! It'll never happen, she's too far gone and completely under my control... Isn't that right, Buff? *Performs Jedi mind trick #1 and waves hand slowly in an arch*

"Oh, I know this ritual. The ancient shamans were next called upon to do the hokey-pokey and turn themselves around."


Thanks to all of *YOU!* You're all way kind!


We saved the world. I say we party, :)


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Well, in honor of your well deserved promotion, I made you into a super hero.


See, it's you. With an eye patch from your pirate days, pink hat from you, and Mr. Pointy from your vamp slaying days. And a puppy, because everybody likes a cute puppy.


Seriously, look here, I promise, you will be able to waste a LOT of time there :)

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