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the expanding matter theory


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I heard of this theory from author Mark McCutcheon.

he proposes that all matter is expanding, and this is the underlying cause of gravity.

then he further uses the idea to explain electricity, magnetism, and light.

he proposes that all energy is electrons, in various configurations.

as far as theories go, this one makes the most sense to me.

it answers several hanging questions about gravity; how does gravity apply force endlessly without draining energy, and such.

unfortunately i know it's false. there are several ways to verify it, all of which have proven false.

1. a large object should fall down a vacuum tube faster than a small one.

2. the gravity at the top of a sky scraper should be more than at the bottom

3. the earth should wobble in a 24 hour period (this is his explanation for the tides)

4. the moon should have more surface gravity at the far side than the near one.

but admittedly there's several aspects that seem to make it valid.

his description of the atom for example. he proposes that there is no true electron or proton charge, and that electrons bounce rapidly off the surface of the atom.

i've read in a couple places about electrons being closer to the surface then modern theory predicts.

and this idea is a more robust view than the orbit theory.

and it also explains why protons don't repel each other in the center of the atom.

i've also read about a negative charge becoming positive by adding more electrons.

several other little tidbits like this make me think he's on the right track.

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