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New Administrator


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I just LOVE getting to spread the good news... :eek2:


KILLEAN has been made a full Administrator!!! We decided that his hard work and supreme dedication to this site has earned him at least that much. I tried to throw one of the kids into the deal, but I don't know if that's allowed or not, so he has to just settle for the new little "Admin" tag under his name.


In case you guys don't already know, Killean is responsible for quite a few of the features that you see around the site. He spends months at a time in DeepHackMode, bringing us upgrades and fixes gallore. We'd have a very difficult time around here without him. So I'm sure you'll all agree that this is a well deserved and very long overdue promotion.


Killean - you so totally rock!!

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We'd have a very difficult time around here without him. So I'm sure you'll all agree that this is a well deserved and very long overdue promotion.


Killean - you so totally rock!!

I think I said as much in some thread or another :evil:.


WELL deserved. (If I were you, though, I just would've added the tag manually while "adjusting" the site :eek2:). Keep it up man, EXCELLENT work on the site. I'd definitely vote it BEST forum ever (That's a "shout out" to the entire community there :evil:).

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