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Everyone's entitled to my opinion, creation


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Archeolgists find an arrowhead and don't imagine it evolved by chance. DNA makes a Rolex seem like an arrowhead compared to it. Did something this complex occure by accident? In laymans terms the 2nd law of thermodynamics says "everything goes to #%!*" Nothing improves on its own, it falls apart.

read "the blind watchmaker" by richard dawkins

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Catholic priests approach sex as dirty and try to suppress it in themselves. they apply a verse from 1 Corinthians 7 where Paul seems to elude to celibacy as a means to be closer to God. Like slapping a lid on a boiling pot of water, suppressing our urges doesn't make them go away and they will show up with uncontrolled pressure. I'm learning how to let God take my pot off the burner and deal with the root issues.

good point. it is true that sexual desires are subconsciously driven. religion makes sex seem bad, which is nonsense.

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The church felt threatened when science started to prove the earth was round, the bible does not say its flat, but they persecuted anyone who disagreed.

the bible does not say "the earth is flat" but there are quotes indicating that's what they were thinking. for example, it does say: "the four corners of the earth."


the bible was written by primitive men, period.

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If electricity is controlled by electrons, morality must be controled by morons.

Nothing in the bible says sex is drrty, it does say when two people "know" each other they become one flesh. This is a spiritual law and cannot be measured or controled by man. When someone goes and shares their body with many, they develop a spiritual schizophrenia. King David tried this and so did his son Solomon, look at the mess it made of their families.

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the bible does not say "the earth is flat" but there are quotes indicating that's what they were thinking. for example, it does say: "the four corners of the earth."


All this shows is you have no conception of poetry, it does not imply either way as to the beliefs of the authors. And why would it matter anyhow? Most Biblical authors would assume the world was flat, probably almost all of them, at least until the New Testament.


...the bible was written by primitive men, period.


And, 2,000 years from now, people will say quantum mechanics was developed by primitive men. So what? We do what we can...

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Robert Frost said about "beat" poets putting poems to music "hang um", everyone's entitled to his opinion also. I love Robert Frost's poetry but he does not define it for me. How many of you have let someone else define what you believe


"Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's

life. Don't be trapped by dogma - which is living with the

results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of

other's opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most

important, have the courage to follow your heart and

intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to

become. Everything else is secondary."


-- Steve Jobs, Steve Jobs speech to Stanford Graduating Class

June 2005


Curb your dogma

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Major - in all honesty, and with all due respect, what exactly is you point?


I also see no point in you creating new threads, all you do is to give every new thread a new name, but the contents seem to be exactly the same.


You might also want to break your posts up into paragraphs, it would be much more readable, most readers will just skip it and read the next post if its just one long paragraph.

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the bible does not say "the earth is flat" but there are quotes indicating that's what they were thinking. for example, it does say: "the four corners of the earth."

That would be North-South-East-West, not a primitive concept at all, in fact still very much in use by some very intelligent people today. "Four corners of the world" just means everywhere... I've heard contemporaries use the phrase "the four corners of the globe," and obviously they knew the globe was round.

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