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Vr Helmet All You Need For Vr Gaming?


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I was thinking about sao nerve gear today and get an idea, what if you can get VR gaming even bit closer to a full dive or AR (Augmented Reality) by making VR helmet. So the idea was to create a very tiny VR compatible pc and put that thing in the rear of the helmet. Then i did think about goggles and then i figure out it is much effective way to use same kind of concept that is used in a Microsoft Hololens, so the display would take smaller area than that concept what is used in HTC Vive or Oculus Rift. There is that thing it would take custom make motherboard and these things. but in theory it would be possible 


what are you thinking about this??  :sherlock:


ps. im from finland and i am 15 so that is my excuse for my bad english



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Like the folk at Microsoft, I think a self-contained stereoscopic headset like the Microsoft HoloLens is a good idea.


The main virtue of the HoloLens I see is that it’s portable – the current HoloLens has a battery life of 3 hours. This, combined with its transparent front that doesn’t block normal vision, makes it suitable for true augmented reality, where rather than replacing the user’s view of the real world, it overlays it with useful information. This is ideal for applications like tour guides.


The main drawbacks I see are:

  • Putting all the hardware and batteries in a single device makes it heavy for something worn on your head. The HoloLens masses 0.579 kg, more than an Oculus Rift’s 0.470 kg.
  • The low-power hardware needed to run on its small batteries is much less powerful than those in a high-power, plug-in machine. Since there aren’t yet many published benchmarks of the specialized Intel “HoloLens graphics” processer that serves as its GPU, comparing processing power with the systems used with display and sensor-only devices like the Rift require some guesswork. My guess is that it’s effective processing power is less than 1/10th that of a Rift-compatible PC.
The lesson here, I think, is that the tradeoffs of a light, battery-powered computer that you can wear on your head vs. a heavy, plug-in powered one, are severe. So while devices like the HoloLens fill the niche for programs like AR tour guides, they’re much inferior to ones like PCs and display and sensor-only headsets like the Rift.


I also wish Microsoft hadn’t chosen to co-opt the old term “holographic” for the simply stereoscopic display of the HoloLens. Holograms are near-exact reproductions of light, which don’t require a separate image for each eye to give the illusion of binocular 3-D vision. I think true holographic displays will be a feature of the next generation of VR displays. Using the term for the current generation of them is scientifically bad and confusing.

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