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Hi All, Looking For Expert Help :)


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I'm currently working on a fantasy series that takes place on a planet far, far away (yeah, I know), and I'm looking for some expert advice. I'd like for the planet to exist in a binary star system and have multiple moons (one of the plot points involves highly unpredictable and unstable seas and tides). I fully admit I'm not much of a scientist, though I do have an amateur's interest in quantum mechanics and basic physics and math.

In any event, my primary goal is to get the science right. Sure, I could make up an alternate universe where our rules of physics don't apply, but that seems like it would be even more complicated.

Anyway, I look forward to interacting with many of you and hope that some of you can help me make my world credible.



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Multiple moons and a binary star system wouldn't make for unpredictable tides really - it'd just require more tracking. By the time an advanced civilization arose they'd have ways of tracking where the tide would be at any given time. Do you do any coding? It looks like this: http://seenjs.io/demo-gravity.html could help with some modifications. If you're not a coder, I'll take a look and see if I could hack it to have two large objects and one small one (doing the moons and planet and stars could get complicated, but you should reasonably be able to model it as two systems I would think?).

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Multiple moons and a binary star system wouldn't make for unpredictable tides really - it'd just require more tracking. By the time an advanced civilization arose they'd have ways of tracking where the tide would be at any given time. Do you do any coding? It looks like this: http://seenjs.io/demo-gravity.html could help with some modifications. If you're not a coder, I'll take a look and see if I could hack it to have two large objects and one small one (doing the moons and planet and stars could get complicated, but you should reasonably be able to model it as two systems I would think?).

Thanks for the response :)


I don't do coding...nothing more than a little scripting for Linux, anyway :)

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