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Problems with Palin


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So it appears from your comments above that you believe the value of a Vice Presidential running mate selection is more in their ability to grab media attention and win the support of a voting base than someone who is genuinely qualified to assume the position of President of the United States should it become necessary. Is that correct?


If so, do you think that mentality is representitive of McCain's "Country First" slogan?


To me this is more indicative of a "politics first" mentality, and is what has led to such irresponsible and poor leadership qualities in our elected officials.


McCain and/or some adviser had to look reality in the eye. They were going to lose and every indication was for his recent liberal stance on many issues.

As said, I think some one, maybe his wife or from some one not even on his staff, brought Palin into the equation. McCain, I admit is an egotist, believing his ideas will be accepted in the end. People don't vote this way, have no understanding of what ideas can turn to if implemented, care very little about things that don't concern themselves and frankly the few that do, are convinced by personality, articulate ability and just plane appearance perception. All this said, YES the Palin pick however it evolved was a desperate attempt to regain the support of the diminishing block of Conservative voters, media attention then a natural follow up...


IMO, though a stretch and unprovable: If Palin had ran in the primaries, had Rove or some legitimate strategist and a reasonable staff of advisor's, she would not only have won the Republican Primary but Obama would have finished a distant 10th in his party. Change and/or some minority candidate has been years in the making and predictable.

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McCain and/or some adviser had to look reality in the eye. They were going to lose and every indication was for his recent liberal stance on many issues.


If McCain is the best candidate for the job, why was he "going to lose" in your estimation?


On what issues has he recently taken a "liberal" stance? Is the fact that he has challenged Neoconservative ideology in the Senate an indicator that he takes "liberal" positions on issues? Is anyone who doesn't conform to some hardline conservative position acting in a liberal fashion in your eyes? To me this doesn't represent an objective analysis, it just sounds like name calling.


Is the notion of compromise, which is a reasonable approach to problem solving, really that foreign to conservatives?



As said, I think some one, maybe his wife or from some one not even on his staff, brought Palin into the equation.....All this said, YES the Palin pick however it evolved was a desperate attempt to regain the support of the diminishing block of Conservative voters, media attention then a natural follow up...


As I stated in another thread, this notion concerns me about John McCain's authority and decision making ability.

One thing I think is important when considering candidates for president is whether they are likely to make sound judgements about who to surround themselves with - their advisors, cabinet, and staffers. While presidents do make the final decision, offen their decision can only be as good as the information and advice they receive. So far, we have seen how each of the current candidates have made decisions in this regard, and in the matter of selecting a Vice President, I think Obama has demonstrated better judgement that is more substantive, and less political. To be honest, I think McCain was pressured into selecting Palin, and that she was not his first choice. While it concerns me that he may have succumbed to that pressure, it may also be proven to have been good advice. But there's still much to learn about Sarah Palin.

What kind of leader is he if he is so easily coaxed into agreeing to what is likely to be revealed as an imprudent running mate selection? Who else would be making ill-advised decisions for him with other important matters if he were elected to office?


To me, picking a VP running mate is the first major decision of any Presidential candidate. And to make such a decision out of political desperation while under the influence of some advisor who can't see past election day doesn't bode well for that candidate's judgement in selecting advisors and overall leadership ability in my opinion.



IMO, though a stretch and unprovable: If Palin had ran in the primaries, had Rove or some legitimate strategist and a reasonable staff of advisor's, she would not only have won the Republican Primary but Obama would have finished a distant 10th in his party.


I would agree that this is a stretch to say the least, and it doesn't reflect well on the intellect of Republicans in my opinion.


Maybe that's partly why they find themselves poised to lose in this cycle.

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REASON; Of the two finalist, McCain would be my choice. As mentioned, National Security and continuation or firming up tax cuts my reasons. I oppose higher taxes for anyone (to todays structure) Obama and his entire foreign policy and probably every reason he is rated #2 Liberal Senator...


Recently McCain has changed his opinion of Illegal Immigration, which I actually had agreed with him. He still opposes Drilling New Fields in Alaska period, agrees mans activity is somehow changing the earths climate and has continued to promote government into Education.


It was said during the primaries by so called insiders, that Mrs. Obama would never allow Ms. Clinton to become VP. Obama speaks from prepared speeches, IMO none of which he understands and all HIS gaffs back this up. If McCain caved one or two times, you are basically getting what you see, but when nothing seems to be authentic, its hard to figure what could be...


As for that "first decision" do you honestly think Biden was the BEST, for the party or his election potential. It could have been Ms. Clinton and probably over months ago...Think this agrees with Biden's words.


Who is picked to advise by a candidate is based on who that person has already dealt with, his/her social background and those that WOULD comply with the leader. Do you honestly think Obama over McCain, has a better list to select from, that would.


Until the Party picked Palin, the sentiment was indeed poised to lose. History and sentiment toward the current administration, both indicated this. McCain the least popular of the field, was chose by the media and true independents who were concerned with National Security. When the base joined the ticket (Palin) this sentiment changed.


Compromise; The Senate version of the 'Bailout'...now up to 451 pages from the original 3...Earmarks (extenders) in the name of compromise include ...Section 308 The Virgin Islands and Puerto Rican Rum, Section 309 American Samoa, Section 310 Mine rescue teams, Section 311 Mine safety equipment, 314-315 Indian Tribes and on and on and on...They vote tonight....You can't compromise socialism or pregnancy, it either is or its not.

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What Sarah Palin represents is version 2.0 of the modern woman. This is why the original prototype, liberal woman, version 1.0, don't like her. The liberal prototype, version 1.0, had to shed the traditional family feminine stereo type to become something new. Palin does both which is an advanced version of version 1.0. Version 1.0 was important, in its hay day, but it is cold blooded animal that can kill the unborn without blinking an eye. This right is protected like a child. Palin is warmer blooded, like a mammal and not a reptile or dinosaur. But a mammal is somewhat vulnerable to the cold blooded instinct of version 1.0. Luckily mammals are better able to adapt to climate change. Palin's as the choice for VP may be seen as sort of the asteriod that could cause extinction of dinosaur version 1.0, as mainstream woman, who blend family and career have a hero. That is the fear and the uproar, causing the dinosaurs to trumpet to their minions.


This is also another angle. Part of the programming in version 1.0 was to act like men which is why abortion is needed, since men like to copulate with anything at any time. Like with men, maternal instinct is optional. The older version 1.0 never liked the idea of a woman advancing on her good looks, since it was considered catering to traditional male sexism, which it was programmed to destroy. Early programming tried to get rid of beauty pageant and cheerleaders because men liked to look and this was seen as degrading to women, not pretty women. The 1.0 version was programmed to stress ability to assure good looks was not part of the equation. Palin, being an advanced prototype, version 2.0. combines looks with ability, which gets the version 1.0, pants suit, in a bunch.

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Version 2.0 seems to have some bugs...


PALIN: That’s why I say, I like ever American I’m speaking with were ill about this position that we have been put in where it is the tax payers looking to bailout.


But ultimately, what the bailout does is help those who are concerned about the health care reform that is needed to help shore up the economy– Helping the — Oh, it’s got to be about job creation too. Shoring up our economy and putting it back on the right track. So health care reform and reducing taxes and reining in spending has got to accompany tax reductions and tax relief for Americas. A


And trade we’ve got to see trade as opportunity, not as a competitive scary thing. But 1 in 5 jobs being created in the trade sector today. We’ve got to look at that as more opportunity. ALl those things under the umbrella of job creation.


This bailout is a part of that.


Can anybody explain any of that?



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Version 2.0 seems to have some bugs...


Can anybody explain any of that?


Think Progress Palin: ‘What The Bailout Does Is Help Those Who Are Concerned About Health Care Reform’


Actually, I have already explained...Palin is a Reagan Conservative, at least according to her Dad. She has studied politics under the philosophy that people can achieve any dream imaginable, but under principles people are responsible for their own advances, in a society/government which creates the possibilities and potential.


McCain, TODAY does not practice this idea, or has determined to WIN an election (after losing one- "compassionate conservative") that some notion of government assistance should be, at least mentioned. Palin's authenticity in her first address to the Nation, the real deal under Reagan. McCain, realized this the night of the her acceptance speech, but has failed to realize she represents the electorate needed to win, has silenced her speech and/or attempted to limit her speech over his own. In an effort to comply, she speaks to the ideas of McCain's political rhetoric, not her own. This is going to lead to problems when two opposites try to coordinate a single theme, even if both have the same desired final outcome....


If Palin, is left alone to be Palin, tomorrow night or not a spoke person for McCain (which is her purpose) she will win the election for a person who lives in the 20th Century. Many times I have mentioned, there is nothing wrong with change but it should be slow. Palin is to much a reversal, as would be Jindal, but not near the change Obama represents, with a Democrat Congress.

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Version 2.0 seems to have some bugs...


Can anybody explain any of that?


Think Progress Palin: ‘What The Bailout Does Is Help Those Who Are Concerned About Health Care Reform’


...In an effort to comply, she speaks to the ideas of McCain's political rhetoric, not her own. This is going to lead to problems when two opposites try to coordinate a single theme...


It's irrelevant. It doesn't matter if she's over-coached, under-coached, or the porridge is just right. The terrifying revelation from these Couric interviews is that Palin is unable to speak to issues of national importance on a high school social studies level.


Either stupid people are leading her around and confusing her as you imply or she is genuinely ignorant of the issues. Either way, it's simply unacceptable for someone who can't speak coherently in a soft ball interview to take the second highest office of the nation. One-third of all vice presidents become president. Whatever the cause - it's unacceptable.



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Well, I've found something to like about her!


According to the latest Couric interview, she *firmly* believes in a Right to Privacy! :phones:


Of course she seemed to have no clue that belief in there being *no* right to privacy is the sole cornerstone of being against Roe v. Wade--which is how Couric got the question in--but the fact that this will drive the Radical Conservatives *nuts* is plenty enough to jump on her bandwagon!


Go Sarah! Put those Paleo-cons in their place!


Why is it that government ought to not regulate anything except my uterus? Is that a "Conservative Value?" Well, at least Sarah calls a spade a spade and says it ought to at least be "more local"....

Couric Why, in your view, is Roe v. Wade a bad decision?


Sarah Palin: I think it should be a states' issue not a federal government-mandated, mandating yes or no on such an important issue. I'm, in that sense, a federalist, where I believe that states should have more say in the laws of their lands and individual areas. Now, foundationally, also, though, it's no secret that I'm pro-life that I believe in a culture of life is very important for this country. Personally that's what I would like to see, um, further embraced by America.


Couric: Do you think there's an inherent right to privacy in the Constitution?


Palin: I do. Yeah, I do.


Couric: The cornerstone of Roe v. Wade.


Palin: I do. And I believe that individual states can best handle what the people within the different constituencies in the 50 states would like to see their will ushered in an issue like that.


Couric: What other Supreme Court decisions do you disagree with?


Palin: Well, let's see. There's, of course in the great history of America there have been rulings, that's never going to be absolute consensus by every American. And there are those issues, again, like Roe v. Wade, where I believe are best held on a state level and addressed there. So you know, going through the history of America, there would be others but …


Couric: Can you think of any?


Palin: Well, I could think of … any again, that could be best dealt with on a more local level. Maybe I would take issue with. But, you know, as mayor, and then as governor and even as a vice president, if I'm so privileged to serve, wouldn't be in a position of changing those things but in supporting the law of the land as it reads today.


If privacy is outlawed, only outlaws will have privacy, :)


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The terrifying revelation from these Couric interviews is that Palin is unable to speak to issues of national importance on a high school social studies level.


I think, well, what we think being Americans, is important...I agree, the communication between the people that helped organize this, um, great country is the same as those that will serve us in the future. I hope to be one of those people for this country. ;)


I'm still trying to put my mind back together after that interview. I found it quite amusing today that a female pundit came on NPR this afternoon and basically (and very accurately and objectively) outlined Palin's risk/benefit for the election. When she finished, I screamed out "____ _____ for VP!" (I was alone in the car...unfortunately, I didn't retain the name in memory :phones: )


My point is that there are *SO* many other qualified (or at least knowledgeable) people to choose from, so...why? :)

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My point is that there are *SO* many other qualified (or at least knowledgeable) people to choose from, so...why? :confused:

But the bedrock of current Right-Wing Conservatism is that knowledge and truth are simply what you want them to be. In the words of a Bush aide:

"the Reality-Based Community...[is] not the way the world really works anymore...We're an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you're studying that reality—judiciously, as you will—we'll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that's how things will sort out. We're history's actors…and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do.

To these folks, Sarah Palin walks on water. They're now screaming to "let Palin be Palin":

McCain needs to liberate his running mate from the former Bush aides brought in to handle her — aides who seem to have succeeded in importing to the Palin campaign the trademark defensive crouch of the Bush White House. McCain picked Sarah Palin in part because she’s a talented politician and communicator. He needs to free her to use her political talents and to communicate in her own voice.
See? Its all *Bush's* fault!


Of course McCain just today compared her to Reagan and Clinton in terms of her experience, and went on to dismiss conservatives like George Will who have spoken out against her as "Georgetown cocktail party [people]"....


Who needs reality when the made up stuff is so much easier to deal with through simplistic policies like "cut taxes" and "eliminate pork barrel spending" and "bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb, Iran?"


Facts are stupid things, :phones:


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Version 2.0 seems to have some bugs...


The analogy is comparing windows vista to windows XP. The new version has many upgrades and enhanced functionality. But along with that comes some programming problems. Windows XP is more stable since these problems have previously been addressed but has less functionality. Palin is a prototype that other women will copy and improve upon. Once in office, version 2.0 will become 2.1. What I like about her is she will become the dutiful and capable VP wife to the president. Behind every great man is a woman, but this case at policy level. Version 1.0 or actually now version 1.3, but is not programmed to be supportive in quite the same way. It was more programmed to be version 1.0 promoting like a lobby group, to shift the environment to make it easier for 1.0 so it could reach version 1.3. It made it there, now we have an upgrade.


Katie Couric is a liberal spokeswomen, maybe version 1.3. As far as republican planners are concerned, Couric is not neutral. Her job is to trip Palin up and make news that benefits the democrats. It is the lure the cat with a treat, while hiding the bat behind the back trick. Palin is coached to watch out for the bat, so she doesn't cozy up to the softballs, but circles around looking for the bat.


When Obama started he was the liberal media darling with his dirty laundry off limits to discussion by the liberal media. How long did it take to talk about his partying past? This was months. It never would have been mentioned if republicans didn't bring it up, even though this juicy gossip fit very well into the gossip template of the mainstream media. If this party closet had belonged to Palin, this gossip would have been out there the first day by the same people, to challenge her character. They opened her closet the same day she was introduced, displaying her semi-dirty laundry. Palin needs the mainstream media for exposure, but she is also coached to watch out for the bat. Tonight's debate will be on equal footing. They can't use the bat on their own candidate but can't just throw him treats either. They have to work at the spin level for this one, which they may already be preparing so it looks spontaneous when presented.

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What I like about her is she will become the dutiful and capable VP wife to the president. Behind every great man is a woman, but this case at policy level.


Why am I not surprised to find out that you are sexist? :confused:


I think your entire Version 2.0 analogy of the modern woman is mindless, sexist drivel. Really, it's not even necessary that I point this out because anyone with a half-wit can figure that out on their own. You have absolutely no ability to substantiate your pitiful opinion of women, and I imagine that you don't even realize that your attempt at using this analogy to compliment Sarah Palin is actually degrading to her. The quote of yours above is the proof in the pudding. Is this a common conservative or Republican belief system? Does anyone else want to stand by HB's perspective here?


Typically, I ignore your non-sense, but by the ashes of my deceased mother, I had to respond to this ridiculousness.


With the last two posts of yours in this thread, your transformation into a full-blown troll is nearly complete.

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Why am I not surprised to find out that you are sexist? :confused:


I think your entire Version 2.0 analogy of the modern woman is mindless, sexist drivel. Really, it's not even necessary that I point this out because anyone with a half-wit can figure that out on their own. You have absolutely no ability to substantiate your pitiful opinion of women, and I imagine that you don't even realize that your attempt at using this analogy to compliment Sarah Palin is actually degrading to her. The quote of yours above is the proof in the pudding. Is this a common conservative or Republican belief system? Does anyone else want to stand by HB's perspective here?


Typically, I ignore your non-sense, but by the ashes of my deceased mother, I had to respond to this ridiculousness.


With the last two posts of yours in this thread, your transformation into a full-blown troll is nearly complete.


I'm just glad she isn't full of Hydrogen:hihi:

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Problem with Palin is she's dumb.

Bush Jr. used up the quota for dumb already this century for an American president.


I don't have a problem with Palin personally. I just don't want her running the country.

Aside from Roe v Wade, she can't seem to remember ANY other Supreme Court decisions. :confused: as witnessed by leaking footage of her CBS interview that they decided to edit out.


YouTube - Couric Stumps Palin With Supreme Court Question http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0rXmuhWrlj4

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My local paper commented on this (for the youtube impaired - it's too crazy to miss... like watching a train wreck in painfully agonizing slow motion):

She also could not name any other decisions by the high court that she disagrees with.


"I think it should be a states issue not a federal government, mandated, mandating yes or no on such an important issue," said Palin, who opposes abortion except in cases where the pregnancy threatens the woman's life.


"I'm in that sense a federalist, where I believe that states should have more say in the laws of their lands and individual areas," she added.


Asked what other Supreme Court decisions she disagrees with, Alaska's governor couldn't name any.


"Well, let's see. There's, of course, in the great history of America rulings there have been rulings, that's never going to be absolute consensus by every American," Palin said. "And there are, those issues, again, like Roe v. Wade where I believe are best held on a state level and addressed there. So you know, going through the history of America, there would be others but ...."


Asked again to name a decision she disagreed with, Palin replied: "Well, I could think of, of any again, that could be best dealt with on a more local level. Maybe I would take issue with. But you know, as mayor, and then as governor and even as a vice president, if I'm so privileged to serve, wouldn't be in a position of changing those things but in supporting the law of the land as it reads today."


In a separate interview, Democratic vice presidential candidate Joe Biden also was asked about Roe v. Wade. He said it was a good decision "because it's (as) close to a consensus that can exist in a society as heterogeneous as ours."


Asked what high court rulings he disagrees with, Biden cited the decision that struck down a law giving abused women the right to sue their tormentors in federal court. Biden, a senator from Delaware, wrote the law.


www.kansascity.com | 10/01/2008 | Palin, in CBS interview, casts herself as a federalist


~modest :confused:

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This is painful to watch, but should be required for every voter. If you can watch this, and then vote for he republican ticket in good conscience you deserve the pain we will feel when McCain kicks the bucket and Palin takes over.


YouTube - Sarah Mania! Sarah Palin's Greatest Hits http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NrzXLYA_e6E&feature=user


I actually cringed while watching this because it was so painful to see her desperately trying to sound intelligent while confirming that she is dumb as a box of rocks.


No statement ever rang more true...

It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt
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