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Mouse trap race car HELP!

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Cut the wheels out of corrugated paperboard (cardboard); if you need additional thickness, glue several cut-outs together. Use wooden cooking skewers for axles; drinking straws for 'bearings'.


Here's a thread we have with some drawings for building a similar vehicle, but using a rubber band for power. Substitute the moustrap for the rubber band. :esmoking:


>> http://hypography.com/forums/science-projects-homework/14071-engineering-fair-project.html

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i prefer cds as wheels, already round, all you need to do is glue a rubber band on the outside for traction, and shazaam :naughty:


also from experience, paper straws as bearings work, but dont forget to add lube to them, they work a hell of a lot better with some wd40


you can use thin wood for your frame to lighten the car


if necessary (depending on how you choose to drive the car) a rod may be added to the trap "door" (that thing that slams down) to make the physical action of the trap longer


i've also been pondering about 4 wheel drive for those, that wont be harder then adding a roller at the back end of the car, and stringing another thread to the front axle (if you have one), which is another design i've been thinking of... no front axle :shrug:

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