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Women kills her two children


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I live in Augusta, Georgia. Yesterday, one street over from where I live, a woman walked into a gas station bathroom and stabbed her two children to death. They were three and one, and apparently she tried to cut here one year old up with the steak knife she used to do the deed.


What kind of world are we living in?


Wake up! This goes on all the time in nature---being more common when species become over crowded. . . as we are. Yet, think how rare it is with us! . . even in our sick society. There seems to be a big rise in depression---especially in women . . and suicide. People in that situation of seeming hopelessness worry about what will happen with their children after they kill themselves. So, sometimes they "solve" that problem the way that woman did. In one case a few years ago, she killed her children because she thought they would grow up and be tempted by our society, sin, and thus go to hell.


We humans are what we are, and sitting in judgement on the nature that produced every one of us can only be emotional, subjective. More important is coming to understand it. We should not judge animals for what they do nor should we so judge mankind or human nature.

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I live in Augusta, Georgia. Yesterday, one street over from where I live, a woman walked into a gas station bathroom and stabbed her two children to death. They were three and one, and apparently she tried to cut here one year old up with the steak knife she used to do the deed.


What kind of world are we living in?


Like Charles said, it happens in Nature frequently.

In our local zoo, a female tigress was severely frightened by a low flying plane while she was pregnant. So when she delivered her young, she ate them since she apparently presumed they were damaged by the trauma she went through.


Male predators commit 'post abortion' whenever they have the opportunity.

They do this more frequently than the females.


Because these victims were children, it is a news item but much greater attrocities occur in our populations that get very little publicity like the communist attrocities in Russia and in other religious cleansing genocides.


Mike C

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Like Charles said, it happens in Nature frequently.

In our local zoo, a female tigress was severely frightened by a low flying plane while she was pregnant. So when she delivered her young, she ate them since she apparently presumed they were damaged by the trauma she went through.


Male predators commit 'post abortion' whenever they have the opportunity.

They do this more frequently than the females.


Because these victims were children, it is a news item but much greater attrocities occur in our populations that get very little publicity like the communist attrocities in Russia and in other religious cleansing genocides.


Mike C


Informative! Apparently some animals, such as tigers, instinctively kill an offspring resulting from a trumatized pregnancy. We do learn things in these forums! I don't need references to be sure that is accurate!


Something else: I am convinced that there is a growth of impotency in both men and women and that it results from growing levels of stress. Also, that it mosly affects sub-dominant men and women. An environment that is making men feel less dominant logically would result in more impotency. In other primate groups, the males mate only when the female is receptive. Thus, there is an inhibiting factor. Most pregnancies result from mating when the cycle makes the females the most fertile, and that is when the dominant males take over and mates with the females with the most status. I've even seen research to the effect that married women are more apt to be seduced by a dominant male and at the stage in the cycle when she is most fertile.


So, is all our idealistic efforts to change human nature resulting in "reverse evolution?" Not really. What I think is that it results only in epigenetic change that is reversed during the worst periods in the rise and fall of civilizations. The brutal hard times people undergo between civilization highs weeds out the changes.


It is the natural selection process going on between the religion-bonded mainstream, civilizational, societies that is responsible for the growth of the human cultural heritage. Biologically, the human race as a whole has stayed unchanged for well over the last 100,000 years.

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The problem with impotency is the clogged arteries that the 'meat' diet creates.

The body refuses to use the animal cholesterol since it makes its own.


So the animal cholesterol just circulates till it latches on to the arterial sidewalls.

That is my opinion, based on my own diet that gives me an excellent blood pressure reading of 110/70.

All six of my extremeties are healthy.


Mike C

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