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What is the beginning of science?

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Hello i have a homework i have 1st year education


and i want to know that "What is the beginning of science?"


in other words what is the First Science that this universe make?


My answer is : our mind, our knowledge


If im right and sumthing is missing at my answer

just reply the complete answer


if im wrong...

just reply the right answer

help me pls im begging u

there's still hours to pass this homework


i hope sumbody will help me :sheep:

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This type of question cannot really be split into right and wrong. The answer will be different to each of us... it's "subjective."


I'd suggest it goes much farther back than humans. First science was that first cell that swam for food and tested the "object" near it by "eating" it.


Or, you could argue some "big bang" creation story which ultimately evolved into science as we know it.


However, I suppose a more common approach would be to argue something like Ancient Egypt or Mayan cultures and how they practiced changing their local environment and shared knowledge.



Not too sure though. If you feel strongly that the beginning of science is our mind... our knowledge, perhaps you can share more about your thoughts on that. There is nothing wrong with this answer, but it would be nice to hear more about why you chose that, and we can take it from there.


There are a lot of helpful and insightful people here, so don't be shy. :)

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One reason for the answer not being unique is in what is meant by the word science. Strictly it means knowledge but, today, it is used to mean an extension of what had been called natural philosophy and now also includes technology and applications. So what is meant by "Science" in the question?


One plausible textbook meaning is what's called the "modern scientific method" of which Galileo Galilei is typically considered the founder. However, back around 1600, he did not call himself a "scientist" but a philosopher. To him the word science meant knowledge and his arguments were about what considerations natural philosophers should make for regarding something as knowlegde and calling it a fact. This gradually brought on the current use of the word science and the coining of the word scientist, so these have been much asociated with Galileo.


Now philosophy made great progress in the times of acient Greek civilization and culture and natural philosophy was one branch of it. The word physics is from the Greek word for nature, which was the title of one of Aristotle's books. While other ancient civilizations made remarkable discoveries too, they could mostly be regarded as feats of engineering and practical ability whereas the Greeks very much developped the skills of argument, deductive reasoning and logic and combined these with observation. Logic was the title of another of Aristotle's books. Other Greeks were important, including Euclid who laid the grounds of geometry and Pythagoras who gave deep insight into numbers.


Now when Galileo argued against other philosophers of his time, about several topics in physics and astronomy, his opponents were holding up Aristotle's opinions. Despite this he was very much reminding them of Aristotle's recomendations. They had become "blind pupils" and considered anything Aristotle said to be incontrovertible truth, even in the face of contrary evidence (ipse dixit, because he said it) and forgetting that one of the things he had said was that we obviously must let go of an opinion when new experience shows otherwise. So the Greeks were very important too in the history of science, even though there was already some impressive knowledge (science) before them.

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Hello i have a homework i have 1st year education


and i want to know that "What is the beginning of science?"


in other words what is the First Science that this universe make?


My answer is : our mind, our knowledge


If im right and sumthing is missing at my answer

just reply the complete answer


if im wrong...

just reply the right answer

help me pls im begging u

there's still hours to pass this homework


i hope sumbody will help me :)


not knowing whats in the universe; on earth, observation wouldn't require the mind to question whats seen. the art of reasoning, which i feel is the foundation for much of what now is, had a beginning in the human species and suggest that created the first in science opinion. IMO; this reasoning showed real signs of taking hold about 10-20k years ago and flourished through philosophy 4 to 6k years in our history.

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the question is, what "is" the beginning of science, and not what "was" the beginning of science.


Science refers to either:* the scientific method – a process for evaluating empirical knowledge; or* the organized body of knowledge gained by this process.


What is the beginning of science?


A task to find out answers to questions that remain consistent..?


You should define science to the best of your ability...


I think the question is asked wrong in the first place.

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