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Why Is The Universe More Partial To Matter Than Antimatter?


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Mass is equivilant to energy. When an Electron meets it's anti, the Positron, they annihilate into two new bodies. Two gamma rays with the kinetic Energy of the Electron and the Positron.


Note: In this Annihilation, Conservation of Charge, Energy, and Spin must be observed.


So. Questions: What is the Charge of a Gamma ray? In this case, what is the beginning and ending charge?


Photons are charge neutral. A positron has a positive charge, an electron has a negative charge. Hence, before the collision we have no charge. After the collision, no charge.


If mass, is made of smaller portions of mass, but the electron isn't and the Electron can be "split" charge wise, so that it produces a net Neutral particle. Then can the Electron be said to be fundmental?


You are looking at this as if the electron cracks open and spits out photons. Nothing gets split. The electron and positron both cease to exist, and the photons come into existance.


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That would violate Conservation of Energy, if I am not mistaken.....

No not at all. This is not in question as the measuring of energy is very well understood.


electron has total energy = its rest-mass energy plus its kinetic energy.

rest-mass energy is its mass equivalence (E=mc^2)

positron has total energy = same stuff


Total system energy (TSE1) = electron total energy plus positron total energy

Simple as pie.


After collision, we have:

GammaRay_1 energy, measured in electron volts (EV)

GammaRay_2 energy, etc.

Total system energy (TSE2) = sum of all gamma ray energies.


Now, TSE1 should equal TSE2. AND IT DOESN'T!!!! TSE1>TSE2


For energy to be conserved, there has to be some other particle or entity carrying away energy ME3 (mystery energy) such that:


TSE1 = TSE 2 + ME3


If such a particle with ME3 exists, then energy IS conserved.


The prediction that such a particle existed was made, and many years later was confirmed: the electron neutrino.


I'm sorry but all your Latex equations look really nice but they are gobbledegook to me. But then, I'm old and senile. What can you expect? :(

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Small correction, or at least what I percieve to be a correction. Perhaps it is a compounded error.


The electron neutrino carries away spin, or parity, I can't remember which. Originally it was thought to be massless.


Also, in Pair-interaction, AKA Anti-matter annihilation, the ammount of charge, spin, mass, energy, etc is equal. The neutrino/anit-neutrino do not appear in these processes, classically.


[math]Electron + Positron \rightarrow 2\gamma[/math]

The Neutrino and anti-neutrino primarily show up in Fusion, and Fission processes as well as particle decay.


[math]Neutron \rightarrow Electron + Proton + Anti-neutrino[/math] I think there is also a gamma ray in this process but it is usually omitted I think. I may be incorrect however.


Anyway, I am done sidetracking this thread.

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Small correction, or at least what I percieve to be a correction....Also, in Pair-interaction, AKA Anti-matter annihilation, the ammount of charge, spin, mass, energy, etc is equal. The neutrino/anit-neutrino do not appear in these processes, classically.

[math]Electron + Positron \rightarrow 2\gamma[/math]

[math]Neutron \rightarrow Electron + Proton + Anti-neutrino[/math] ....

On second and third thought, I believe you are correct. Electron/positron interactions do not yield neutrinos but just gammas. Everything balances: charge, energy, momentum.

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