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Sanatana Dharma (Hinduism): One God, many gods


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I see we might have a slight disagreement on what is meaningless...


Sorry, infamous, I'm going to have to go with Boerseun... and for the reasons you just stated above ;).


Art adds richness and flavor to our lives, but in the pursuit of knowledge it is nothing more than something pretty to look at. Art adds no meaning to our lives, just something to make living our lives a little more comfortable.


I guess one could argue that everything is meaningless on one scale or another though :shrug:...

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I see we might have a slight disagreement on what is meaningless...

Art adds richness and flavor to our lives, but in the pursuit of knowledge it is nothing more than something pretty to look at. Art adds no meaning to our lives, just something to make living our lives a little more comfortable.

___Einstein said the greatest scientists are also artists. Why? In art we have beauty & when one encounters beauty one encounters truth & when one encounters truth, reason is advanced. Much inspiration & advance comes out of misery I intimately admit, but how much sweeter to make that advance in art & beauty & comfort. A spoonful of sugar makes the medicine go down. - Mary Poppins


Autistically Yours, Turtle

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Agreed. But still, adds no meaning ;).
Well I'll disagree. Art does add meaning. Until we are all Borg, no one really understands what anyone else is saying. Art adds nuance that goes beyond pure expository explanation. You gotta *feel* it to really *get* it...


Geez now I'm starting to sound like Werner Ehrhard.... ;)



Buffy :shrug:

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Art adds nuance that goes beyond pure expository explanation. You gotta *feel* it to really *get* it...


Buffy ;)

___Many gods also adds nuance. Why stop at polytheism, when animism is always at hand? The "one", whether you call it God or not, is the sum of its parts; there is nothing wrong with a little specialization as long as it is in support of generalization. ;)

Like gold, truth is where you find it. :shrug:

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...:shrug: Werner whos-a-what...


Anyway, I'm agreeing with all of these statements... up until your all saying art gives meaning to life. Could you please explicitly elaborate on how this is so so that it might just sink into my thick head so that I may either accept it or be able to challenge it with a new level of understanding. ;)

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Its the "Aha!" "Eureka! I got it!" "Oh, *that's* what she meant" moment when the light bulb goes on, the lightning strikes your forehead, etc. etc. etc. Its when you *understand* not because someone *told* you, but some set of things all clicked in your brain at once and suddenly what was once not at all clear now is. This is *not* spiritual, it also happens when you finally really understand integral calculus or Special Relativity or whatever.


What you seem to be missing from the above posts, Dark, is that the art part is not a "separate meaning" so much as "supporting meaning", you get a *better* understanding of something with stuff that's "all touchy feely"... A bad but common example is that talking about sex and experiencing it are fundamentally different: the book learning can help, but you gotta do it yourself to "understand"...




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What you seem to be missing from the above posts, Dark, is that the art part is not a "separate meaning" so much as "supporting meaning", you get a *better* understanding of something with stuff that's "all touchy feely"...





Websters; "meaningful"..........having a degree of importance


Exactly Buffy, it's the meaningfulness one gets when they open a birthday card that a loved on has sent. It's knowing that someone cares, it's knowing that just maybe your worth a bit more than the dirt under your feet. It knowing that your not completely alone in this great big world. Art helps develop the soul of man, liberating his creative power and giving him a feeling of worth. Certainly meaningful by any definition. Art and the love thereof expose what mankind thinks of himself.

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What a great quote!

As it is written, " ...Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks."

And I would add - ...The painter paints; the musician composes; the scientist declares.

Thank you BEAKER, sometimes these thoughts just seem to come out of nowhere. But just between you and me BEAKER, I think we both know what inspired me with these words....................you see, I give all the glory to my Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.
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Only for "science-haters!" Science discovers!!!!


Now, back on topic...How do you guys explain how the Holy Trinity is *not* polytheism?




This defination is not accepted by many of the faithful Buffy, it is however what I believe is an acceptable answer. To digress somewhat, if you think about we humans in the context of being more than a single entity, one could reason that men are made of three parts also. Example: Mind, body, and spirit. According to scripture, Christ was the bodily representation of God in the flesh. I prefer myself to define Christ as the fleshly body in which the mind of God dwelt. The spirit being of much greater difficulty to define is in my opinion that part of God that deals with man. As with mankind, our spirit is that part of us we might call the self. So, if we understand that man is composed of three parts, and scripture declares that God made man in his image, we might also understand the implication of what the trinity means. Just as a side note: Even though the scripture gives a name for these three; God, Jesus, and Holy Spirit, it never once uses the term trinity. This word trinity is an invention of man and is an attempt to unify all three into one being.
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This defination is not accepted by many of the faithful Buffy, it is however what I believe is an acceptable answer. ... Even though the scripture gives a name for these three; God, Jesus, and Holy Spirit, it never once uses the term trinity. This word trinity is an invention of man and is an attempt to unify all three into one being.
You can see of course however, that all the games played by man to try to reconcile "three guys sorta kinda called gods"--by whatever name--sounds suspiciously like trying to cover up someone's theological slip of creating multiple gods in a religion thats supposed to be monotheistic. The explanations just don't really add up, and it begs the question: what's *really* all that bad about having multiple gods? I mean, why is that so bad?




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...and then, of course, there's the school of thought that holds the Trinity to be a useful device to fuse ancient beliefs together.


'God' being, of course, the God of Abraham, that was a well-known deity in the Middle East for plenty years.


'Jesus' being the representative of some pagan deity that held sway over a fair part of the populace, and


The 'Holy Ghost' being some other belief, comfortably welded to the others.


Nett result - peace amongst the beliefs.


Now you'd notice I'm not very detailed, but I read about this a while ago. Gotta find it, and I'll post some links 'n stuff. Makes for very interesting reading!

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