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The Science Book Of Alien Species


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Well, first to start I am going to start exploring a subject in Science Fiction known as Exobiology which I would classify UFO hunters as Exobiology in a hope of insight into the Species of the Milky Way galaxy as we know there are hundreds of thousands to millions of earth-like planets in the milky way galaxy. There have been many reports of alien species that have interacted with humans along with many reports of Flying Objects called UFOs that are flying around Earth's skys, The Goal of this thread is to report and document in a scientific manner all information pertaining to Alien Species that have visited Earth based on Evidence that has been documented factually. We are looking through the lens of Exobiology and I would like to establish some rules of exobiology.


First rule of Exobiology, I will not falsify evidence of alien species like in all science giving false reports on scientific evidence will hurt your credibility and damage the search for the truth.


Second Rule of Exobiology, I will not make posts without hard evidence supporting the claims I have made about the subject, you can claim things about something in examination but the examination must be made about hard scientific evidence of such reports about UFOs or UFO sightings.


Third Rule of Exobiology, If such claims are about personal experience or sightings that were not documented in hard evidence such as pictures or physical evidence, I would like stated the words, "I Claim such happened" rather than "It has been proven to have happened".



Now that we are pasted that part of this thread, I would like to put forward my first evidence of aliens species which is the Drake Equation.


The Drake equation is a highly supporting mathematical piece of evidence to the existence of alien species which is a equation to calculate the number of technologically advanced species which is deeply explained by SETI in this link (https://www.seti.org/drake-equation-index) which states basically there is a 100% chance of alien species existence in the universe based on the number of solar systems in the universe with planets as the number is some great that there are more stars in the sky then there is grains of sand on every beach in the world. The N value of Drake's equation is greater than 1 when the size of the universe is taken into account thus there must be at least one alien species in the universe. Anyone that says there are not aliens is a fool that cannot do math, an opinion and also a fact given this equation's result, which is far greater than 1 given the number of stars in the universe with planets. Looks from atop of the Hawaiian mountains with little atmosphere between you and the stars you can begin to imagine how large that number must be, so large that it is not calculable even by Earth's greatest minds so close to infinity that, that N value of Drake's Equation may be far larger than most would imagine.




The next subject is the existence of Earth-like planets in something called the Goldilocks zone or Habitable zone which basically means that, the planet is based on the luminosity of the star in that same zone as Earth is more about the Goldilocks zone link = (https://science.howstuffworks.com/other-earth1.htm)




Planets found in this zone are presumed to be Earth-like because of the temperature, Elements, and associated climate of planets in this zone which may have Carbon Based life on them due to the possibility of the presence of liquid water on these planets which humans could possibly someday put colonies on these planets as survive without much life support gear unlike planets like Mars which are outside that zone, as of November 2013 there is estimated to be the amount of 40 billion planets in the Goldilocks zone of the stars of the milky way galaxy with the possibility of Earth-like life on these planets as well.




The amount of Earth-like planets actually found is less than that number which are found via Transit Photometry which is where the planet passes in front of its star the distance and planet can be found by the shadow in front of the star much like a Solar or Lunar Eclipse when a object passes in front of the sun making it darken due to the line of sight being blocked for more information on Transit Photometry link = (https://www.universetoday.com/137480/what-is-the-transit-method/).




There is much evidence to support the fact that there is Extraterrestrial life in the universe given on one hand I have an equations which predicts it and on the other hand planets which is observational evidence of their possible existence, but the most damning evidence is that fact that UFOs have been claimed and photographed on Earth to be spotted, daily there are reported sightings of UFOs and Aliens in the sky and on the Earth, which lends itself to the evidence that there is indeed alien life in the universe if even a small fraction of the reports are true aliens. Google search of UFO Sightings on Earth link = (https://www.google.com/search?source=hp&ei=fG9_XOmaO4LAjwSmuqKADA&q=UFO+sighting&btnK=Google+Search&oq=UFO+sighting&gs_l=psy-ab.3..0l6.673.2350..2600...0.0..0.138.996.11j1....3..0....1..gws-wiz.....0..0i131.8fEJsA9fRjo)




With this evidence, we can more than say that there is indeed other life in the universe besides naive humans which some think they are the only life in the universe, how arrogant that we think we are special and all that there is in the way of life in the universe. I can say with what I have displayed here Extraterrestrial life is just not a theory but rather a scientific fact with enough evidence to be that way being above 95% proven, which is enough to confirm a physics theory into scientific law. So we begin our quest for the categorization and sampling of extraterrestrial life.


Thought to be a actual picture of a "Grey Alien", Extraterrestrial life spotted on Earth



If you have something to say people chime in about this species or any other that is the introduction to this thread that is complete with this.

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The first species to be discussed is the Grey Aliens which account for 40% of the UFO sightings on earth based on a sampling on total UFO reports which have small humanoid forms with grey skin which lack external human organs such as nose,ears, and sex organs so it is not known how this species reproduces itself possibility by a unknown or non sexual reproduction method. These aliens have been noticed to have unusually large heads compared to their bodies, Information link to wikipedia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grey_alien




It seems that has been much human contact with Grey aliens being that they are the most sighted aliens which may mean that their star system is a close neighbor, it is claimed that this species is from Zeti Reticuli by Ufologist but this report is unconfirmed as it has never been exactly found out by direct evidence the homeworld of this species, but odds are they are Humans closest neighboring species due to that amount of contact with this species the citizens of earth or they find interest in our species. They are also though to be the species that humans have had contact with since Roswell,New Mexico being the crashed flying saucer that was supposedly found crashed in that area that was reported later to be a weather balloon by the news in the area of New Mexico, but was reported by the United States Air Force in 1947 as a Flying Disc which it would seem that "Grey aliens" use spacecraft that are flying discs (http://www.roswellfiles.com/Articles/AirForceReport.htm)




This would imply that the "Grey aliens" had interstellar travel that was more advanced or as, as advanced as humans in 2019 back in 1947 putting this species technological advancement at least 100 to 200 years more advanced than humans which is implied by their technology in the 40s probably using Nuclear Fission/Fusion to power their ships in some form to generate the energy to go between planets in reasonable amounts of time. These are also the aliens usually reporting in the abduction of humans being the "Grey Aliens" or Roswell aliens which are claimed to have the ability to erase human memory which is not something special humans can do the same with Neural Electroshock Therapy the first report being in 1961 of the "Grey aliens" abduction of humans for examination in this case from the account of Barney and Betty Hill(https://www.history.com/news/first-alien-abduction-account-barney-betty-hill). There have been hundreds to thousands of other cases of human abduction by this species spanning the last 100 years.




It seems there is ample evidence based on eye witness reports and physical evidence to put the species "grey aliens" or Roswell aliens into theory status, it is highly thought that "Grey aliens" exist based on hundreds of reports on the subject.

Edited by VictorMedvil
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To listen to the UFO nuts, the Earth would appear to be the center of the universe, when we are actually a tiny planet circling an insignificant star in a distant spiral arm of one of billions of galaxies in the universe. Our earliest radio signals have not gotten anywhere near a potentially habitable planet and will not in your lifetime.  Assuming there was a technologically advanced species listening, it would take hundred of years for them to receive and investigate the source. Drake's equation merely shows the probability that life exists elsewhere, and is not a list of who is coming to dinner next sunday.

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To listen to the UFO nuts, the Earth would appear to be the center of the universe, when we are actually a tiny planet circling an insignificant star in a distant spiral arm of one of billions of galaxies in the universe. Our earliest radio signals have not gotten anywhere near a potentially habitable planet and will not in your lifetime.  Assuming there was a technologically advanced species listening, it would take hundred of years for them to receive and investigate the source. Drake's equation merely shows the probability that life exists elsewhere, and is not a list of who is coming to dinner next sunday.


I agree with this, that it would take quite sometime for extraterrestrials to find and investigate signals coming from earth unless they had a ship passing through the volume in around 100 years of signals being generated by earth they have only traveled 100 light years, if there are species far away they are hearing stuff back from the 1900s most likely, but the milky way is 100,000 light year diameter so it will be quite some time for a species on the other side of the galaxy to notice humans by then we will likely be space-faring and simply just warp drive up to their planet faster than light.

Edited by VictorMedvil
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To listen to the UFO nuts, the Earth would appear to be the center of the universe, when we are actually a tiny planet circling an insignificant star in a distant spiral arm of one of billions of galaxies in the universe. Our earliest radio signals have not gotten anywhere near a potentially habitable planet and will not in your lifetime.  Assuming there was a technologically advanced species listening, it would take hundred of years for them to receive and investigate the source. Drake's equation merely shows the probability that life exists elsewhere, and is not a list of who is coming to dinner next sunday.

Don't you watch the History Channel?  We were placed here by the ancient aliens, and they have been periodically messing with our genome ever since.  We are part alien, particularly if you have a negative rh factor blood type! :alien_dance:

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Don't you watch the History Channel?  We were placed here by the ancient aliens, and they have been periodically messing with our genome ever since.  We are part alien, particularly if you have a negative rh factor blood type! :alien_dance:


There is no evidence that the human genome was edited by aliens, most of the information on ancient aliens is pseudoscience or has no evidence to back it up, what me and my friends used to call "Theory crafting" is all it is. I would take what the show ancient aliens as speculation and not necessarily the exact truth by any stretch of the imagination.

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There is no evidence that the human genome was edited by aliens, most of the information on ancient aliens is pseudoscience or has no evidence to back it up, what me and my friends used to call "Theory crafting" is all it is. I would take what the show ancient aliens as speculation and not necessarily the exact truth by any stretch of the imagination.

lmao :ha:  :rofl:   Some people have trouble recognizing humor.  I wonder what %alien that makes you.

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lmao :ha:  :rofl:   Some people have trouble recognizing humor.  I wonder what %alien that makes you.

you have angered me *begins to use Shadow Technology to edit the human genome in the past* Tomorrow on Ancient Alien it will say "New Report a Shadow alien on the scienceforums.com has taken credit for editing the human genome in the past".

Edited by VictorMedvil
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you have angered me *begins to use Shadow Technology to edit the human genome in the past* Tomorrow on Ancient Alien it will say "New Report a Shadow alien on the scienceforums.com has taken credit for editing the human genome in the past.


There is no denying that the Shadows and the Vorlons have both manipulated the human genome.  Where else would registered telepaths have come from?




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There is no denying that the Shadows and the Vorlons have both manipulated the human genome.  Where else would registered telepaths have come from?




Loved that show, except the final season.  And I would not have been able to watch it if not for the internet.  When it originally aired it kept putting me to sleep.

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