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Gene Therapy For All Disease


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Basically, I can effectively say now, that I know the cure to most genetic disease and aging, This won't take long the cure is simple




Step 1: Save a sample of your DNA from when you were younger or another person's and test it against your current DNA to find defective genes.




Step 2: Remove the defective gene by cleavage out of the genome caused from genetic decay over time or mutation since birth




Step 3: Replace Defective gene with functional version using a Viral Vector, You must understand that we are chemical based machines repairing the chemical blueprints will make the whole chemical machine well again.



Seriously, it is that easy even cancer can be fixed in this way. Viral Nanobots can easily do this function and cure almost all disease, so wasn't that simple.




Now stop doing expensive cures and fake cures that the medical field has a learn about synthetic biology and you can cure yourself cheaply and forever as I can, I believe that I will literally live forever using Viral Nanobots to edit my genome. If a gene goes defective then just replace it like a car part with a gene that does its function still, aging is caused from genetic mutation is the key to all of this.





Let me be the first human to say this, I do think I have the Immortality Vaccine and will never die with the current level of understanding of genetics and technology of the year 2018.


Edited by VictorMedvil
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