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Abnormal Voice Hearing! What Could Be Your View On Current Claims Of Scientists?


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Hi All,

Up to this day scientists are claiming that voice hearing in schizophrenics are due to a chemical imbalance. What would be your view? would be great to see all your replies. If scientists are right, how come these abnormal electrical activities in the auditory cortex, helping people to know the future? 

Case A:


“I am now happy to say that I still do hear voices, yes… and we get along great (and will forever continue to do so). My voices really helped me to become a better, stronger person, and sometimes they still do the devil voice when they are in a joking mood. Actually, they can do any voice they want (man, woman, child, God, devil, British guy, Arnold Schwarzenegger, a Mexican, someone I know, etc.). It’s a skill they have that I’ve learned to appreciate, and I find incredibly entertaining.”

Case B:


“they have also known things about to happen in the IMMEDIATE future… things already decided, that I am about to find out (literally just minutes before i find out); for example – they have told me of a phone call from so and so… just before it happened. they can see things nearby… that I have not yet seen, but will any minute …. eerie stuff… they have tried to use this to give the impression they can make these things happen, Oh… and they can also sense when i am about to get an SMS on my phone…. they try and claim responsibility for making the person send it”

Case C:


“My voice gathers information from around the globe and gives me heads up months in advance for important events. Sometimes, it can be wrong in its deductions, but most of the time, my voice is right in its look-ahead exercises. I think my voice is telepathic across the collective voice. Family members, my husband, does not hear voices, he says, but they gave him schizo pills, cause he has a bit of paranoia. He saw the Japanese tsunami of 2011 in his dream, 5 months in advance. He reassured me that we were not in it. Thank God, it was true. I usually see the earthquakes and volcano eruptions.”

  • Voices are capable of showing the future and giving updates on what’s happening in the world. Every word or sentences will show unique electrical patterns in the brain, how could these electrical patterns arise in the brain helping a voice hearer to perceive worldwide events? 

Case Study D:


Voice hearer’s comment:

Raina Walks


“if i needed to get somewhere i did not know the directions to…they would literally lead me there without me having looked at a map…just with them directing me…it is heady stuff…”

Case Study E:



“The voices constantly told me they were never leaving, and that I’d have to learn to deal with it. They told me that our entire society is inside of a quantum computer, and that we are all just lab rats, being studied by their people. In particular, they told me that I was being “stress tested” to see how stress affected my memory. The voices constantly asked me questions about my memory and asked what medications I was taking, whenever I took pills. I could hear these voices clear as day, as if through a radio of some kind. On a few occasions, I actually saw people that correlated with the voices, faint visual hallucinations. Mind you, prior to all of this, I led a fairly normal life with no history of psychosis or mental disorders, except mild PTSD and ADD.”


More bizarre cases as such could be found here: https://thestimulatedbrains.wordpress.com/

Edited by raleigh
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