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Hypo Security Seems Lacking

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i'm not satisfied with "behind the scenes". maybe if it is brought out in the light so we regular members get some sense we are not being ignored and marginalized in favor of some false sense of fairness. mark was right it seems and common sense is not very common.

arent we doing that right now in this thread?

it will be discussed in bith places. I assure you that you are not being ignored

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arent we doing that right now in this thread?

it will be discussed in bith places. I assure you that you are not being ignored


yes we are. but look what it has taken. as i noted, i started a thread on this more than 2 months ago and got nothing. no response in the thread, no pm, nothing. it sure feels like being ignored even if it's not. judging by how many good members have left and the amount of spam and nonsense posts, whatever is being done in secret aint working. it's not rocket science; throw the bums out. :oh_really:

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yes we are. but look what it has taken. as i noted, i started a thread on this more than 2 months ago and got nothing. no response in the thread, no pm, nothing. it sure feels like being ignored even if it's not. judging by how many good members have left and the amount of spam and nonsense posts, whatever is being done in secret aint working. it's not rocket science; throw the bums out. :oh_really:

well i apologise that no one has responded sooner. Membership has dropped since we switched to IPboards, i wasnt aware that there has been a major drop in the last few months.We are working on the spammers. Would you prefer to leave the bums in their ignorant darkness? or would you give them the opportunity to learn real science?

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Things have been getting hard here.


Tormod has plenty of real life matters and Craig is trying to make up. Others of us have reeal life stuff too, keep in mind it's all voluntary.


Also, IP has its troubles. It seemed cool but it isn't making things easy for us and seems to have bugs. Trouble is that vB had become so vulnerable. If Facebook is an added problem we maybe should disable it. We first need to reckon what the worst problems are, before amputating too many legs.


It isn't simple.


Sigurd, your behaviour hasn't been a help, try to avoid adding to our problems. We'll be deciding about recent troublesome members and, if necessary, we'll decide mighty soon. :oh_really:

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Things have been getting hard here.


Tormod has plenty of real life matters and Craig is trying to make up. Others of us have reeal life stuff too, keep in mind it's all voluntary.


Also, IP has its troubles. It seemed cool but it isn't making things easy for us and seems to have bugs. Trouble is that vB had become so vulnerable. If Facebook is an added problem we maybe should disable it. We first need to reckon what the worst problems are, before amputating too many legs.


It isn't simple.


Sigurd, your behaviour hasn't been a help, try to avoid adding to our problems. We'll be deciding about recent troublesome members and, if necessary, we'll decide mighty soon. :oh_really:

thanks Q and we should disable facebook- its more problems than its worth

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Things have been getting hard here.


Tormod has plenty of real life matters and Craig is trying to make up. Others of us have reeal life stuff too, keep in mind it's all voluntary.


i know tormod has his hands full and i'm not bothering him with this. as to the rest of you, i appreciate your volunteering, but if you're not getting the job done what good is it? it's not like the regular members don't have the same troubles and lives, and in fact that's a good part of the rub. we have to waste our time wading through all the crap on the front page to find legitimate stuff to post to. you admins seem to have the time to make lengthy posts, but no time to attend to business. i don't get it.


neither do i get the reasoning to not only let the bullshitters carry on, but to encourage them as if they were here with honest intent. it is clear by you-all's milk-toasty replies that you know there is a problem, and yet -in spite of our rules and members complaints- you just let it go on. is giving the impression you are fair-handed really worth losing the well-intended members? do you really not recognize when your authority is being snubbed and you're being insulted and flamed? these people aren't learning anything nor are they here for that purpose. where's the benefit? that's rhetorical of course; there is no benefit there is only harm. at the very least you wouldn't have to listen to me *****, which i trust you find a waste of your time or some such a matter.


Also, IP has its troubles. It seemed cool but it isn't making things easy for us and seems to have bugs. Trouble is that vB had become so vulnerable. If Facebook is an added problem we maybe should disable it. We first need to reckon what the worst problems are, before amputating too many legs.


It isn't simple.


fine if the software has deeper problems to work out, but it would take you 10-15 minutes as an admin to ban the members spamming in the status box and delete the posts. that is that simple. banning their e-mails and ip's would also slow down the repeat offenses. i wager many of them are coming from just a few sources. at least take some action -which you could reverse if it was mistaken- rather than take no action but to offer us platitudes.


Sigurd, your behaviour hasn't been a help, try to avoid adding to our problems. We'll be deciding about recent troublesome members and, if necessary, we'll decide mighty soon. :oh_really:


this is exactly what i'm talking about. you have euphemized sigurd's "contribution" effectually excusing and encouraging it. not only are his posts "not a help" they are THE problem. why not get off the fence and put an end to it so we all can get back to our genuine interests.

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I dunno I bet a few enjoyed my last vacation....prolly a bit more than my return ;)


ME!? AS A MOD!!!!!!?! [laughs hysterically] That there's a scary thought! (I'm quite sure the Admins and other Mods agree :D)


if this place had looked like this when i first came, i would have looked somewhere else. i wager we loose a lot of potential good new members just because of this mess






BTW! The report thingy does NOT!!!!! work!!!!!!! I have repeatedly tried it and it just gives me a "connecting to......" in my browser and hangs there forever with a "blanc" page....at least the "vote down" button works....don't know how much good it does though. Thought about just email or stuffing their names in whoever's conversation box but that would get old for me real quick and very likely even more annoying to the recipient pretty quickly...I dunno...there's being a PITA and there's being an annoying @**hole I prefer the former so long as I remain mildly amusing.

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I dunno I bet a few enjoyed my last vacation....prolly a bit more than my return ;)


ME!? AS A MOD!!!!!!?! [laughs hysterically] That there's a scary thought! (I'm quite sure the Admins and other Mods agree :D)





what i like about you double-d is that unlike the ...erhm...uhh..."folks" i rail against, you make no pretense about yourself. while you have the occasional odd position, you have never dissed on any of us that have challenged it and you make clear by your replies you have considered our rebuttals with good intention, whether you end up agreeing with us or not. i'd have you in my foxhole anytime. here's to us. :friday: (that's me on the floor. :rotfl:)

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BTW! The report thingy does NOT!!!!! work!!!!!!! I have repeatedly tried it and it just gives me a "connecting to......" in my browser and hangs there forever with a "blanc" page....at least the "vote down" button works....don't know how much good it does though. Thought about just email or stuffing their names in whoever's conversation box but that would get old for me real quick and very likely even more annoying to the recipient pretty quickly...I dunno...there's being a PITA and there's being an annoying @**hole I prefer the former so long as I remain mildly amusing.


just a side note on this. pam assures us that our reports are appearing in the moderator section, even though we all are getting error messages on our side when we use the service. by all means please continue to use it when you feel like it as it does generate a thread in the moderator section whether they acknowledge our concerns or not. there is power in numbers and there is a very good chance that what you report, others of us have as well and it's harder to ignore many reports than just mine...erhm...one.


keep up the drumbeat bro!! :drummer:

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just a side note on this. pam assures us that our reports are appearing in the moderator section, even though we all are getting error messages on our side when we use the service. by all means please continue to use it when you feel like it as it does generate a thread in the moderator section whether they acknowledge our concerns or not. there is power in numbers and there is a very good chance that what you report, others of us have as well and it's harder to ignore many reports than just mine...erhm...one.


keep up the drumbeat bro!! :drummer:

yeah man, you cats are spamming my email inbox with those :P

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