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Time velocity equivelence


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With the concept of time dialation with respect to velocity ..... Could it be possible that when travelling at a velocity which is complete stop in relation to the whole expanding universe that time would flow at its fastest rate compared with trying to reach a velocity where time would equal close to zero.? Is the centre of the universe the ultimate refrence point?

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Dent, welcome to our forums!


I'd like to ask - where is the centre of our Universe? According to the Big Bang theory, the entire Universe was created with the Big Bang, so by definition there is no center. Thus, nothing is moving "away" from the centre, nor towards it.



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"Also with the theorys of the universe looping around upon itself it may be imposible to pick out an exact center. "

this is one of Stephen Hawkings' theories which I also have arrived at independant of his... and bears some remarkable resemblances to sharkys' postulate of the internal structure and mechanisms of the atom.

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The experiment with two holes where photons or electro magnetic radiation traverse through two slits and creates an interference pattern and bizzarly when one single photon or electron goes through whichever hole it chooses then we get the interference pattern from a single packet of energy .... does any body have any ideas of this mystery?

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This question has haunted physics for awhile now. One theory builds upon the multi-universe idea, that a simular experiment is being done is a number of other universes and they somehow effect each other. I don't buy into this multi-universe theory at all. The idea of a universe for every decision or outcome that ever existed sounds crazy.

I think there might be a field that extends beyond the particle in question. If the particle goes through one slot, its field is large enough to be divided between two slots. Its like the wake a motor boat leaves in its path. The boats path can be affected if it encounters its own wake. In our particle experiment, the field would extend equally in all directions. As the field is split through our two slots it affects the path of the particle. What do you think?? Still just a theory.

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There is a very interesting article on string theory in New Scientist (November 1 issue) by the famous physicist Leonard Susskind. He discussed the possibilities of how universes come about and why it is plausible that a multiverse theory may in fact be more reasonable than a "single universe" theory. It was very interesting - highly recommended reading.



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The "Double Slit Experiment", as it is known, is a good example of the deviation of microphysics from our common sense knowledge. Formally, you can obtain that effect correctly from the equations of quantum mechanics, but QM has a fundamental problem: the one of the interpretation.


QM is such a strange theory, so appart from our common sense, that still today we do not agree with respect to the best interpretation of the mathematical formalism. Wholloway talked about fields in the space that interfere with one another. I don't know any useful link, but try to find in the Web references about Bohmian Mechanics, an alternative interpretation of QM proposed by David Bohm. That's similar to what he said.


There are other tentative interpretations of QM, the Many Worlds interpretation being one of them, although not the most popular. You will also heard about the Sum Over Histories interpretation and maybe many others.


The fact at the moment is: we could not at the moment chose one of them based only on experiments, and "experimental selection" in physics is what matters in the end.


I know that I didn't help to clear things to you, but that's where physics is at the moment with respect to this. We know the equations pretty well for this simple case, but we do not have what we would like most: an understandable, simple and logic interpretation. But that's a matter of taste too, some people are happy with only the mathematics. I just can talk for myself, and I'm not. Well, we'll keep on trying...

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