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Vesica Attractor


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The Second Ring of Life; The Vesica Attractor

by Christopher Humphrey








The fossil record show a disparity in the formation of complex body plans.

The individual eukaryote cannot build these structures. They do not carry within themselves a blue print for an overall structure. Science today is attempting to answer these questions via genomic constraints.


Recently discovered fossil evidence has led this author to develop a new evolutionary model that suggest the following;The missing information in the original body design was provided by a wave function acting on a mass of oolitic spheres bound by a microbial substrate.

This substrate crystallized into an archetypal pattern, the first complex animal life. [source of a body plan pattern] that then spawn an entire phyla.

This central archetype then becomes a sustained, central information bank for the phyla.

Releasing new genetic information in pulses over time.

This model not only accounts for the original forms, but also genetic control patterns of punctuated equilibrium. This is what the new evidence is showing in the context of the fossil record.





To read entire manuscipt, http://www.iscid.org/boards/ubb-get_topic-f-26-t-000007.html


When I found this artifact I was a darwinist and had no knowledge of any major flaw in this theory. When it became apparent that this was an embryonic form that was in the prosses of self assembling from a totality of environmental components, my first reaction was that this was something completly out of sync with the natural order, a parallel evolution of sorts. It forced me to take another look at the fossil record of the early Cambrian. What I found in the text was that this represented a missing piece in organizational phases of the evolution of complex body plans, such as how shelled animals could have survived before developing shells. How eukary cells could come together to form a dynamic self sustaining system cooperatively without starving each other first, just by competing for energy in a contained space. The answers where provided before I had ask them.

The elemental components formed around a logarithm.This geometry is expressed as the wave curls in on itself redirecting the linear flow into a circular one. Once the mico-environment had reached an energetic threshold, the archetypal components of the environment ( oolitic spheres, cyanobacterial filaments, eukaryote cells ) assemble into these spiraling patterns. The oolitic spheres and cyanobacterial filaments are rolled into a recursive, concentric contained form. This layered circular mass begins to act not only as an Architectural framwork, but also as a bridge, connecting fluid dynamics and a life support system for a self-organizing eukaryote system. Macro-dynamics construct and assemble the Micro-components, that intern capture and contained the Macro-dynamics. The wave pulse was the breath of life that the components formed around. I was cognitive of the answer but blissfully unaware of the question. Life, it turns out is based firstly on a flow of energy and secondly on the physical components contained in this flow, and this flow pattern is based on a logarithmic curve,or more well known as, The geometry of phi.

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What I found in the text was that this represented a missing piece in organizational phases of the evolution of complex body plans, such as how shelled animals could have survived before developing shells.


There are many animals that exist without a shell, exoskeloton, or endoskeleton today. Annelids, cnidarians, many mollusks. I do not seem to understand what "hole in the dyke" you are trying to plug.... :friday:

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What I am postulating is that complex life arose from an organization point, an attractor, the vesica attractor is only the source of the higher taxon that arose during the cambrian explosion. Keep in mind before this discovery I was a darwinst, and thought i had a good handle on evolution. After a closer look with this new lens I can now understand life in the context of a larger system. Here are a few of the holes.


"The number of intermediate varieties, which have formerly existed on the earth, (must) be truly enormous. Why then is not every geological formation and every stratum full of such intermediate links? Geology assuredly does not reveal any such finely graduated organic chain; and this, perhaps, is the most obvious and gravest objection which can be urged against my theory".


Darwin, C. (1859)

The Origin of Species (Reprint of the first edition)

Avenel Books, Crown Publishers, New York, 1979, p.292 292


"Indeed, it is the chief frustration of the fossil record that we do not have empirical evidence for sustained trends in the evolution of most complex morphological adaptations."


Gould, S. J. and Eldredge, N., 1988

"Species selection: its range and power"

Scientific correspondence in Nature, Vol. 334, p. 19

Most families, orders, classes, and phyla appear rather suddenly in the fossil record, often without anatomically intermediate forms smoothly interlinking evolutionarily derived descendant taxa with their presumed ancestors.


Eldredge, N., 1989

Macro-Evolutionary Dynamics: Species, Niches, and Adaptive Peaks

McGraw-Hill Publishing Company, New York, p. 22


The fossil record suggests that the major pulse of diversification of phyla occurs before that of classes, classes before that of orders, and orders before families. This is not to say that each higher taxon originated before species (each phylum, class, or order contained at least one species, genus, family, etc. upon appearance), but the higher taxa do not seem to have diverged through an accumulation of lower taxa.


Erwin, D., Valentine, J., and Sepkoski, J. (1988)

"A Comparative Study of Diversification Events"

Evolution, vol. 41, p. 1183


Indeed, it is the chief frustration of the fossil record that we do not have empirical evidence for sustained trends in the evolution of most complex morphological adaptations.


Gould, S. J. and Eldredge, N., 1988

"Species selection: its range and power"

Scientific correspondence in Nature, Vol. 334, p. 19

Erwin, D., Valentine, J., and Sepkoski, J. (1988)

"A Comparative Study of Diversification Events"

Evolution, vol. 41, p. 1183

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Is this something you invented? There doesn't seem to be anything on this anywhere except by you. The actual phrase "vesica attractor" turns up nothing except your post here and your own manuscript yet, your 2nd post in this thread seems to imply that Darwin himself used it. What exactly is the origin of this term and the science behind it?

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Something I found, and named, to refer to in such a way that descibes its function, please read the whole manuscript, and do some reasearch in systems biology. I have been working for ten years and hope to see if the model can hold up under critical review. From darwinest, and I.d. alike. I belive this will provide a middle ground.

read manuscript at,




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Somthing I found, and named, to refer to in such a way that descibes its function, please read the whole manuscript, and do some reasearch in systems biology. I have been working for ten years and hope to see if the model can hold up under critical review. From darwinest, and I.d. alike.


I will read through it when I get a few minutes. I do think that if you really want to test it though, you need to write a book and challenge Behe, Darwin, et al. Declare that they're all wrong and you're right. You'll get a wealth of people checking that the I's are dotted and the t's crossed in your work. Post it on all the evolution vs creation vs I.D. forums you can find. Declare that you have the answer and you'll have plenty of theories on holes in your work. Make sure all those holes are plugged and you'll have your critical review.

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That is what I refer to as the first ring of life one of the first simple cells from organic molcules. The clay theory is not really well developed and do not perscribe to it. I think cells formed around carbon 40 molcules and limpeds, but thats pure conjecture on my part.

What I am working on is a model of how eukaryote cells formed into a complex autopoetic system, or the second ring of life, that occured during the cambrian explosion. I beleive I am breaking new ground and sometimes I have to create words and phases that fit a discription of this new information.

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That is what I refer to as the first ring of life one of the first simple cells from organic molcules. The clay theory is not really well developed and do not perscribe to it. I think cells formed around carbon 40 molcules and limpeds, but thats pure conjecture on my part.


It's surely nothing I've read about in all my personal investigations into the origin of life. Care to elaborate?



Christopher: What I am working on is a model of how eukaryote cells formed into a complex autopoetic system...


A complex system that makes it's own poetry.

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About ten years ago I found an extremely unusual fossil artifact It is about the size and shape of a large ostrich egg with a flat underside it came from lower Cambrian strata. running though the center of this artifact is a cavity in the form of a logarithmic spiral. The entire mass is made up of gain size oolitic spheres. These spheres form by rolling in wave cycles . the mass was formed by cyanobactia filaments connected the oolites by rolling within wave pulses. Visualize a spiral galaxy. This is beautiful in its symmetry but not any thing to write about.



What is very unusual is the other features that appear to have been emerging after it came to rest and internalized the wave pulses, these feature appear to be in the process of developing a complex geometry between forces at large and the cellular oolitic spheres within. I am a sculptor of animals from gemstones and also work as an engineer and have a very good grasp of petrology the study of rocks., so I have some concept of form and function. I also have an interest in systems science.




I tend to write in circular logic so if you have read my manuscript it may be hard to follow. I urge you to do so and ask me any question about this new model you like.


This is an abeveated version of the manuscript; dealing with what I beleive this embryonic form was in the prosses of doing before it was preserved.


Biological systems where irreducibly complex in a Darwinian framwork, but no longer in the light of this new discovery. This vesica attractor represents an emerging eukaryote system that crystallizes though sucssesive stages from higher to lower order iteration matrices, while being shaped by an internal and external fluid dynamics.

An attactor in the form of a mobile circular mass of cyanobacterail filaments and oolites capture and contain a circular flow of sea water after it comes to rest. This internalized flow inside the micro-environment is then captured a second time, and further ordered by Eukarya cells as they reproduce in this layered internal system. The eukarya growth will radiate out from these flow channels, creating a recursive symmetrical circulatory system. To visualize this layered pattern take a pencil, tape the end of a ribbon around the pencil now wrap the ribbon tightly three or four times in a clockwise direction. Now reverse the direction counterclockwise do this about 7-8 times. Now tape down the outside all the way around tightly. now wrap your thumb and forefinger around the ribbon in a circle. take the end of the pencil and turn in a ratchting motion. You will get a rough idea of the internal dynamic of the vesica attractor. A central pasiely turning in unison with the surronding layers resembling a circulating toaist mandala, contained in a torus or bagel structure. I believe this recursive concentric system is the bases for most, if not all the complex body plans of the higher taxon that emerged during the Cambrian. This particular scenario reflects one of a fish, the most perfect of all the emerging vesica attractors. differing body plans would result from differing pertabations of separate emerging attractors. As the eukayote system develops, the layered structure begins to differentiate as the oolitic matrix shrinks. A tension emerges throughout the system and starts to divide into three main domains. The still open heart cavity, the outer layers conforming around external dynamics. The domain of lossely bound middle layers that will form into some of the internal organs, but at the moment only contain a developing symmetrical circulatory system powered by external forces.

As the oolites shrink the domains begin to differentiate even further. This ever increasing tension crystallizes the form in an descending order of smaller domains of connectivness, until the oolites have completly dissolved leaving in there place a vast patterned array of flexable geodesic scaffolding. called the extra-cellular matrix, at this phase the connectivness is on a very fine cellular leval, also at this stage the central heart tissue forms by coiling connected cells inward like a watch spring, separating from the outer right and left apatures that have now become subject to their own domain of connectivness, a few layers of this heart tissue will be taken by the apertures as they differentiate from the central chamber. Two very critical steps take place at this stage. A connection is maintained though this tissue between the chamber and apertures.while the heart chamber is enclosed as apertures shift and redirect and access an second outer layer. The sea water is redirected into this new layer opening a second cavity. This new chamber forms the, mouth, digestive system and anus and the apertures form the gill slits. A flow is maintain throughout this prosses but now blood cells begin to circulate though the enclosed internal circulatory system. The yet unformed mouth acts as an placental attachment to the oolitic bed which provides a nurcery food of mineral spheres and algae. This substance begins to help form the developing digestive track.

The developing cellular matrix begins to respond to, and is further ordered by a finer flow of information now passing from the cellular microcosm to the macrocosm of the environment.

A cognitive system forms around this flow of light, sound and movment between these two worlds.This connecting link of information is the key to an understanding of the roll of the cognitive system in formation the biological systems. Once this synergitic vortex is opened and set in motion it becomes a self-sustaining system. These original connecting points have been the central circulating force of information in evolution ever since.

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Biological systems where irreducibly complex in a Darwinian framwork...


Even if that were true, it applies only to the Darwinian framework, not to the full evolutionary framework. Just as contemporary knowledge of inheritance is much more than Mendel's original proposals from the late 1800's, so too contemporary knowledge of evolution is much more than Darwin's original proposals from the late 1800's.

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yes it explains micro-evolution and punctated equallibrium as well, Think about what attractors do.

I have intentionally left many lines of logic open ended in such a way as to see if anyone would fill in some of these the same way I have, and also there are always some that I never considered. What I would like to attempt is to highlight one particular component as a thread. Here is the question for anyone out there with a good sense of imagination and deductive reasoning. Assuming this model is basicly correct. What would lie at the "core" of these original creatures and how would this core component potentially enable it to act as a sustainable central organizing point of the phyla?


Imagine freeze framing the big bang a micro-second before it's expansion now imaging looking deeply into this crystal ball and seeing a world below emerging as a micrcosmic version of it'self now you look above and see the higher order vision that this point was about to expand into. This is one anology of this artifact, one between the micro-order of singel cells and complex life and cognition and all the order you see around you. If the condition had not allowed these points to form and emerge, this world would be simple rocks and slime. But they did connect and we can see now, if we look closely enough in this crystal ball, were we came from and were we are going. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...



You ask me what the lobster is weaving down there with its golden feet,I tell you, the ocean knows this



You say who is the acedia waiting for in its transparent bell,

I tell you its waiting for time, like you



You say who does the macrocystis algae hug in its arms?



Study it. Study it at a certain hour and in a certain sea I know



You question me about the wicked tusk of the narwhale

and I respond by describing to you how the sea unicorn

with a harpoon in it, dies



You inquire about the kingfisher's feathers

which tremble in the purest springs of the southern shores



I want to tell you that the ocean knows this,


That life, in its jewel boxes, as endless as the sand,

impossible to count, pure




And the time among the blood colored grapes

has made the petal hard and shiny,


filled the jellyfish with light, untied its knot, letting its musical threads fall


from a horn of plenty made of infinite mother of pearl




I'm nothing but the empty net which has gone on ahead of human eyes,


dead in the darkness', of fingers accustomed to the triangle,


longitudes in the timid globe of an orange




I walked around like you investigating the endless star


And in my net during the night I woke up naked


The only thing caught, a fish, trapped inside the wind




- 'The Enigmas'


by Pablo Neruda

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