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Time doesn't exist...?


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It is difficult to explain, but I also see two different aspects to the word "present" (1) the aspect related to the thing-event with potential for movement within a space-time interval, and (2) the aspect related to the "now-moment" which forms the limits and divides each space-time interval. The present for me has this dual aspect, and thus makes it difficult for me to communicate my thoughts.


I am facing exactly same problem..I can not currently use words accurately enough which are rather simple symbols for thing/events and also can be understood differently. The words which I am using fail to describe my "mental image" concerning this topic. I have noticed that my thoughts are more or less images in mind and if these should be scaled dow to words/symbols there will be a reduction of total content communicated....not given up yet concerning this topic but I need more time to nail down the wording..

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Time is a philosophical concept, which science still uses to populate a reference scale. I like the idea of redefining time as a potential. This makes time tangible and therefore a thing of substance that can impact other tangible things.


Here is the experiment one can use to show this connection. It has to do with what is called motion blur. An example is shown below. The image has stopped time, yet there is an impression of motion, even with time stopped. The extra time potential, captured by the photo, can not be expressed as time with time stopped. It appears as uncertainty in distance.


If we define time as a potential, it allows us to explain why we have the uncertainty principle, rather just say we have this principle because we see it. That doesn't explain anything. We can not tell both position and momentum of the picture. We can see the momentum in the background but position is all blurry. We can see the position of the cycler but we can't tell his momentum. Excess time potential also creates uncertainty in matter.


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Momemtum = mass x velocity.

Force = mass x acceleration = Momentum per second.


So the total energy expended in the crash is the momentum. The force is the rate at which the energy is expended.

Energy is not momentum. Work is force through distance, not through time.


the two things that doesn't exist for us can be simply meant undetectable
That's where we get into semantic issues.


Time is a gas.
And reading through recent posts in this thred is really great gas!
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Here is the experiment one can use to show this connection. It has to do with what is called motion blur. An example is shown below. The image has stopped time, yet there is an impression of motion, even with time stopped. The extra time potential, captured by the photo, can not be expressed as time with time stopped. It appears as uncertainty in distance.

No, the blurring is because the camera FAILED to stop time. The exposure TOOK TIME. Indeed the photographer may have deliberately used a long exposure setting to exaggerate the effect. The cyclist seems stationary because the camera was panned to keep his image in the same place on the picture. The background is blurred because the panning gives the impression that it is moving. Nothing to do with "uncertainty in the distance", more to do with relative motion.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Can we exist without a concept of time..probably. Can we exist without a sense of the moment..probably not so well. For several years when I worked on my manuscript I had no clocks, no phone, no tv, no radio and managed quite happily. When I felt hungry I ate, when I felt tired I slept didnt matter to me whether it was night or day it was all just time. After about 12 months of no clocks I began to think of time quite differently. I developed a concept called consciousness time where I was in the same moment until I made a deeper realisation. My explanation of it is perhaps a bit egotistical but at the time I was working out how to advance the chance of the planet going into positivity acceleration in my lifetime. I felt then that nobody else was thinking about how to go about that so I developed a sense of being the leader of consciousness in regard to that contemplation. From my perspective then the world didnt advance unless I did so I would go from existing in a moment where there wasnt a resolve to something like that (and that sort of thing..I was ultra idealistic in my pursuits) to a moment where there was a resolve..so time had changed..the world was in a different position and a different pmoment in consciousness time. If there is a period where lots of realisations are made then we are moving through consciousness time. If there is nothing new then we stay in that moment until the next moment of higher consciousness.

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  • 1 year later...

No, you're not a rambling idiot, but you are confusing physical time with perceived (or social) time. The days, minutes etc that have been invented by various cultures (and often differed) are *measurements* of time. They did not invent time itself.


It makes no sense to say we could live without time. Without time the universe would not work.



That isn't true. Time and change are not synonymous entities.


There are such models in physics called timeless models which propose the idea that globally-speaking, time is non-existent. There are physicists today who are trying to explain that time does not exist in this universe, only change. Such a physicist is Julian Barbour. I on the otherhand am open to the idea that time does exist, but not in your usual continuous, smooth sense. Julian has described time by saying it is the displacement of particle in the universe and rather the sum of the motion of all existing bodies in your system. This has led me personally to believe that perhaps time does exist, when taking into account bodies in the universe displacing over very short periods of time. And incorporating quantum mechanics successfully, time will rather be simply starts and stops - momentary pictures of reality which when pieced together, create the larger picture.

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  • 2 months later...

My concept of time seems quite different from most. I don't see time as a record of events past nor present nither the future. Time is but one thing the time it takes to decay to weaken to get somewhere thats it. Look at it this way if there was nothing in the universe nothing at all, according to everyone here time would not exist right? And why would it not exist? Because nobodys there to say it does... Now same senario the universe is empty but all thats in it is a single Volkswagen beetle sized comet orbiting around a single sunless lifeless planet the size of mars... Is there time now? All of a sudden there is time right? Even though there is no life there right? So if there is no life yet there is matter whats the purpose of time other then how long it takes that comet to wear down and crash on the planet? You can philosophy all you want about time travel it does not exist. In order for time travel to exist multiple extrodinary god like things have to exist.


1. A memory of some sort not just any memory it has to record everything right down to the atom to every single living creatures breath.

2. An ability to recreate all events all at once at any given time on command without disturbing the present time in the exact same space.

3. Someone would have had to create it because this ability is not something that gets manufactured by star dust and cow crap lol


Now i am certain the next response is going to be traveling by worm holes to parallel dimensions lmfao. The truth is like this there was once a time when north and south america was so far away you would never make it there yet here we are. What i am trying to say is there are no shortcuts in life and there are none in space we will get to were we need to with hard work and determination just as we have for thousands of years. Now as long as everyone can just drop the time travel worm hole and parallel universe ideas we can use our brain power for more feasible ideas like traveling conventionally through space the way we know will work... Might be slow at first but i am certain in thousands of years we will be the christopher columbus's of our day.

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