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  2. "Albert Einstein sometimes used the word aether for the gravitational field within general relativity, but the only similarity of this relativistic aether concept with the classical aether models lies in the presence of physical properties in space, which can be identified through geodesics." Link = (PDF) Ether and the Theory of Relativity (researchgate.net) "We shall confirm this claim by deriving the Einstein equations using aether theory. We shall use a combination of Lorentz's and Kelvin's conception of the aether. Our derivation of the Einstein equations will not use the vanishing of the covariant divergence of the stress-energy tensor, but instead equate the Ricci tensor to the sum of the usual stress-energy tensor and a stress-energy tensor for the aether, a tensor based on Kelvin's aether theory. A crucial first step is generalizing the Cartan formalism of Newtonian gravity to allow spatial curvature, as conjectured by Gauss and Riemann." Link = [1007.4572] General Relativity As an Aether Theory (arxiv.org) Even Aether theory can be used to derive Einstein's equations, your claims that General Relativity is incorrect is silly. However, I find this amusing now I want in math now, how Aether theory falsifies Newton, Einstein, Bohr, Planck, and Minkowski. If you are unable to provide a proof that shows that the theories of all these people are false, then you are talking out your butt!
  3. Yesterday
  4. Stopped reading when I got to "The book exposes such willful falsifiers of physics as Newton, Einstein, Bohr, Planck, Minkowski, "
  5. Hello, I have translated the firt chapter of a book from a russian author about the gravity. Maybe this chapter will be interestin for someone, who is also interested in the ather theory. The book exposes such willful falsifiers of physics as Newton, Einstein, Bohr, Planck, Minkowski, and other proponents of supposedly empty space and the absence of aether in it. The emphasis is on the Cartesian approach - not on the mere forces that do not exist in the real world, but on the motions of the aether that do exist in reality. It is shown why modern official physics after Newton completely contradicts all 3 necessary requirements of logic. It is shown how and for what purpose the conceptual apparatus of physics has been perverted, and correct definitions of the most important terms are given. General information is given on the concept of the aether and on various theories of gravitation. The author's theory of gravitation is presented. Important fragments of the history and background of physics are given. The book is written in the simplest possible language that is understandable to anyone with common sense. For anyone with an interest in science. The author Istarhov V.A. is a graduate of the Applied Mathematics Department of MIEM, candidate of technical sciences, author of numerous scientific papers and books. He worked in NIIAA as a leading developer of the command path of the control system of strategic forces, deputy director for science of NIISA, deputy director for science of the All-Russian Center of the USSR Academy of Sciences. He taught control theory at MIREA Download link: Spam Link removed
  6. Last week
  7. Pretty valid I would suggest, plus also moons that have drifted inside their Roche limit, and of course, left over debris from the original formation of the solar system.
  8. A Neutron star is so called, because it has under gone gravitational collapse, where protons and electrons, are forced together, into a dense stellar remnant, that has exceeded electron degeneracy pressure, but still this side of neutron degeneracy pressure. In short, the maths support them, as does observational data. Quark stars, are still theoretical at this time, but is probably thought to exist at the core of Neutron stars, where pressures are at the very top end of EDP and just shy of NDP. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neutron_star https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electron_degeneracy_pressure https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Degenerate_matter A quark star is a hypothetical type of compact, exotic star, where extremely high core temperature and pressure have forced nuclear particles to form quark matter, a continuous state of matter consisting of free quarks. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quark_star
  9. And again, featuring the gorgeous Zola Taylor......
  10. Without doubt, the biggest selling group of the 50's/60's The Platters!!!
  11. It seems chemists have found a way to use mechanochemistry to strip cargo molecules form a loaded rotaxane, read more at Mechanochemistry strips cargo molecules from a loaded rotaxane (acs.org) What possible uses can you think of for this sort of mechanochemistry?
  12. It seems the Biden Administration has set the first national standard to limit "Forever Chemicals" in drinking water, read more at Biden administration sets first national standard to limit ‘forever chemicals’ in drinking water | CNN Do you think this national standard to limit "Forever Chemicals" in drinking water is a good policy that has a scientific basis?
  13. It seems 3D microelectrode chips help soil nutrient analysis, read more at 3D microelectrode chip helps soil nutrient analysis (phys.org) What other uses can you think of for 3D microelectrode chips besides soil nutrient analysis?
  14. This is an informational piece about the next generation triggers for CERN detectors, read more at The next-generation triggers for CERN detectors (phys.org) How much do you think the next generation triggers for CERN detectors will increase the discovery of new information in particle physics?
  15. It seems physicist have discovered a novel quantum state in an elemental solid, read more at Physicists discover a novel quantum state in an elemental solid Do you think this novel quantum state in an elemental solid will be useful in scientific applications and if so, what possible uses can you think of for it in science?
  16. It seems Gabe Newell the man behind steam is working on a brain computer interface, read more at Gabe Newell, the Man Behind Steam, Is Working on a Brain-Computer Interface (futurism.com) Do you think that steam games will soon have a brain computer interface product?
  17. It seem the government has announced the winners of a contest to tell real voices from deepfake audio, read more at The government awards prizes for tools to tell real from fake audio : NPR Do you think the method used by the contest winners can actually tell the difference between deepfake audio and real audio?
  18. It seems a 3D food printing facility has a goal of 1,000 Tonnes of production for 2024, read more at 3D Food Printing Facility Targets 1,000 Tonnes of Production in 2024 | Food Engineering (foodengineeringmag.com) Do you think that 3D printed food can help increase food supply and solve world hunger?
  19. It seems MIT engineers have designed flexible "skeletons" for soft, muscle powered robots, read more at MIT engineers design flexible “skeletons” for soft, muscle-powered robots | MIT News | Massachusetts Institute of Technology Do you think it is possible to make humanoid robots that have muscles like humans and animals?
  20. This is an informational piece about phage therapy which are viruses for good, read more at Viruses for good - the case for phages - PHG Foundation and ‘Phage therapy’ could treat some drug-resistant superbug infections, but comes with unique challenges (theconversation.com) Do you think phage therapy could be used to save lives?
  21. It seems experimental gene therapy for giant axonal neuropathy shows promise in NIH clinical trial, read more at Experimental gene therapy for giant axonal neuropathy shows promise in NIH clinical trial | National Institutes of Health (NIH) Do you think this new experimental gene therapy will be approved?
  22. It seems 7 babies have died from bacterial outbreak at POS hospital, read more at 7 babies die from bacterial outbreak at PoS hospital | News Extra | trinidadexpress.com Do you think phage therapy could have prevented this horrific tragedy?
  23. I fully agree that the idea of quarks soup instead of neutrons is much more realistic, as quarks have electric charge while neutrons are netural. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neutron The neutron is a subatomic particle, , which has a neutral (not positive or negative) charge. How a star which is made out of netural subatomic particles could create any sort of electric current flow and establish strong electromagnetic fields? Therefore, why do we prefer to call it neutron star? Can we really observe the neutrons in that star? Why after a supernova or collision/merge and due to gravitational waves, under high-enough heat and density, the atoms in the star don't break down directly into their constituent quarks, creating a sort of quark soup? If so, why don't we call it Quark star instead of Neutron star?
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